Visionary Development Opportunities in Kirkland's Station Area

Rendering of Station Area.

The NE 85th Street Station Area is a primary focus for future housing and employment growth in Kirkland.  In 2022, Kirkland’s City Council adopted a framework and policies for the NE 85th Street Station Area Plan to help realize a bold vision for this Regional Growth Center.


The Vision

The Station Area is a thriving, new walkable district with high tech and family wage jobs, plentiful affordable housing, sustainable buildings, park amenities, and commercial and retail services linked by transit.  The vibrant, mixed use environment is a model of innovation. With an outstanding quality of life and unmatched mobility choices, the Station Area is eco-friendly, a place to connect, and deeply rooted in the history of the land, the people, and the culture of this special crossroads in Kirkland. The highly visible integration of ecological systems within an urban setting set the Station Area apart while tying the unique sub-area districts together with existing open space and active living opportunities.

NE85th Rendering_NE85th_Labels.jpg

The Station Area offers a robust set of opportunities for future development including:

  • A subarea plan centered on a future Sound Transit Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) stop (anticipated to be operational by 2027) that will link to light rail at points north and south;
  • In addition to the regional BRT line, a future King County Metro rapid-ride line routed through the main corridor of the area;
  • The City has already completed zoning changes that significantly increased housing and commercial capacity in the area;
  • A flexible form-based code;
  • Several unique districts that provide options for a variety of scales and uses;
  • Plans for enhancing the urban environment and providing generous infrastructure for walking, biking, and rolling;
  • Kirkland has adopted one of Washington State’s first Tax Increment Financing districts – which will help the City deliver on large infrastructure projects to support the future build out of the area; and
  • An adopted Planned Action Ordinance consistent with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) has already provided environmental analysis for future development – streamlining future permitting processes.

Artist rendering of the Norkirk corner of the NE 85th Station Area

Contact details

Diana Hart, Government Affairs Manager


NE 85th St, Kirkland 98033  View Map

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