Biennial Community Survey


For over a decade, the City has conducted a statistically valid phone community survey every two years as part of its budget process. The City has also published an online version of the same survey for additional input. 

The 2022 Community Survey gauges community attitudes about the quality of life in Kirkland, satisfaction with City government services, and priorities for the future in preparation for the Council’s adoption of their 2023-2024 biennial budget later this fall. 

2022 Community Survey
EMC Research Community Survey Report(PDF, 4MB)
2022 Online Biennial Residents Survey(PDF, 882KB)
City Council Memo(PDF, 63MB), August 25, 2022

Results of past surveys can be found below.

2018 Community Survey

2016 Community Survey

2016 Community Survey
City Council Special Meeting(PDF, 3MB), May 24, 2016
City Council Memo(PDF, 156KB) , June 29, 2016

2014 Community Survey

2014 Community Survey
City Council Memo(PDF, 2MB), May 30, 2014