Exploration of Seattle Kraken's Iceplex Proposal

Rendering of Kirkland Recreation Center sign at Kraken facility.

Project Status as of March 1, 2025:  The City has issued a request for proposals for a Developer of Ice Skating Facilities, Restaurant and Community Center Facilities, Restaurant and Community Center. The City of Kirkland and the Seattle Kraken are still in negotiations and have not made any final decisions.

In late 2023, the Seattle Kraken reached out to the City of Kirkland to explore a potential iceplex facility in Kirkland. After some preliminary exchanges and a formal proposal from the Kraken, City Council directed staff to continue the dialogue with the Kraken to understand the team's interests and how the project might benefit the Kirkland community as outlined by Council Resolution R-5645(PDF, 139KB).

The Kraken's proposal is one of several proposed uses of the former Houghton Park and Ride site that the City is currently evaluating for the site's long-term use that supports the City’s 2022 Parks, Recreation, and Open Spaces Plan and long-term economic development goals. Under the terms of the proposal, the City would take ownership of the entire facility after the lease with the Kraken ends. This website will be updated periodically with the most up-to-date information related to this project.

Frequently Asked Questions (under development)

How would the Kraken proposal support recreation needs in Kirkland?

The Kraken proposal consists of an iceplex facility at the former Houghton Park and Ride with two regulation NHL ice rinks, restaurant and support facilities, including potential for the City to have a 12,000 square foot community and recreation space on the 2nd floor of the iceplex.

For reference, the Peter Kirkland Community Center is 13,310 sq ft and the North Kirkland Community Center is 6,550 sq ft. That much recreation space provides some exciting possibilities that could benefit the Kirkland community. Here are some potential uses (please note - these are all possibilities, and no decisions have been made at this time):

  • Community meeting room with or without a kitchen for meetings, weddings, trainings, church services, etc.
  • Activity room for yoga, aerobics, tai chi, martial arts, dance, etc.
  • Multi-purpose classroom for cooking, filmmaking, job training skills, clinics, etc.
  • Computer room for computer and technology classes for all ages, STEM camps, gaming, etc.
  • Youth programming room for day camp, before/after school care, preschool, childcare, etc.
  • Art/crafts classroom for art lab, parent/child art, painting, craft making, watercolor, finger painting, etc.
  • Music classroom for instrument lessons, voice lessons, small jam sessions, practice space, etc.
  • Gathering space for informal community connections like coffee time, coffee with council, support groups, book clubs, etc.
  • Cultural center for cultural holiday celebrations, group meetings, and more.
  • Human service non-profit organization offices and services such as behavior health, substance abuse prevention, health clinics, support groups, etc.
  • Indoor batting cage, golf, or other indoor recreation.

Potential ice rinks

The two regulation ice rinks could also provide recreation opportunities and benefits such as:

  • Public skate sessions
  • Learn to skate classes and camps
  • Figure skating, ice dancing, and synchronized skating lessons
  • Hockey lessons, camps, and leagues
  • Sled hockey
  • Broom ball
  • Curling
  • Skate competitions including hockey tournaments
  • Birthday parties
  • Special events and exhibitions
  • Kraken skate and watch parties

Please note these are possibilities, and no decisions have been made.

What benefits might the proposed iceplex bring to the community?

In addition to the potential recreation benefits, the proposed iceplex facility has the potential to bring multiple benefits for Kirkland, including:

The facility could bring about significant economic opportunities. Jobs would be created during the construction and for the ongoing operations The facility would generate sales tax revenue and/or admission tax revenue. Athletic tournaments at the iceplex could generate additional revenue for Kirkland restaurants, hotels, and other local business.

The iceplex could elevate Kirkland's profile as the home to a professional NHL team's facility. Increased visibility could attract sports tourism as visitors are drawn to Kirkland for games, tournaments, and other events at the iceplex. The iceplex could also offer sponsorship opportunities for local Kirkland businesses, providing them with exposure to a broader audience and potential customers.

The proposed iceplex would promote health and wellbeing by offering new and diverse opportunities for physical activity. The facility would provide better access to ice for our current skating community by increasing the amount of dedicated space for them to pursue their passion or hone their hockey skills.

The proposed iceplex could be a hub for social connections and community building. Whether it's through recreational skating programs, youth leagues, or community events, the iceplex fosters relationships in our community. Additionally, if negotiated, offering free or discounted skating programs ensures inclusivity and accessibility for all Kirkland community members.

A proposed partnership with the Kraken could lead to philanthropic initiatives benefiting our community. The Kraken's One Roof Foundation works to ensure that every young person in the community has a roof over their head, access to play hockey, and clean air to breathe. They partner with schools and community organizations to connect low-income families and youth of color with financial assistance for skate and hockey programs. Learn more about the One Roof Foundation at onerooffoundation.org.

A partnership with the Seattle Kraken brings the NHL brand presence directly into the Kirkland community, instilling a sense of pride and identity among residents.

How might the proposal help the City fulfill long range goals?

The City's 2022 Parks, Recreation, and Open Spaces Plan describes several goals and objectives based on extensive community input that the Kraken iceplex might help fulfill.They include:

Goal #1: Expand the Provision of High-Quality Park Experiences to Meet the Active and Passive Recreational Needs of Kirkland Community Members

  • Objective #1.1: Continue to maintain, expand, and improve existing facilities, components, amenities, and level of service based on GRASP® scores, population growth, and urban development guidelines.
  • 1.1.C Maintain a similar or greater capital investment per resident as population grows.
  • 1.1.G Pursue the development of an aquatic/recreation center and smaller community centers.
  • 1.1.I Consider and address insufficiencies based on population-based standards, and as identified in the LOS through future capital campaigns. Address short, medium, and long-range capital needs.
  • 1.5.B Explore potential pickleball court locations in the park system as well as regional collaboration to address the growing popularity of this sport.

Goal #3: Provide a Variety of Recreation Services, Facilities and Programs that Promote the Health and Well-Being of Community Members of All Ages and Abilities

  • Objective 3.1: Maximize use of existing program spaces and work to identify additional program spaces, staffing, and resources to create new programming opportunities.
  • 3.1.A Explore opportunities to lease space to create additional capacity for existing enrichment opportunities until new permanent facilities are available.
  • 3.1.B Pursue the funding, design and construction of an aquatics center that includes recreational programming space, community space, cost-recovery targets, operations and maintenance requirements, and administrative and staff areas.
  • 3.1.C Pursue the funding, design and construction of neighborhood recreation centers in areas with gaps in delivery of recreation services. Explore feasibility, design, location, operator, etc. for two new neighborhood recreation centers that include space for enrichment classes, neighborhood meeting spaces, administrative and staff areas, cost-recovery targets, operations, maintenance requirements, etc.
  • Objective 3.4: Promote active, healthy lifestyles through additional recreation programming.

Goal #6: Enhance and Improve Access to Athletics and Sports Opportunities

  • 6.1.F. Explore regional partnerships and collaboration to support unserved sports such as cricket, rugby, lacrosse, pickleball, (and hockey).

Learn more about the 2022 Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan.

What is happening at the former Houghton Park and Ride?

While the City evaluates this proposal and other options for long-term uses for the former Houghton Park and Ride, temporary recreation improvements were made in 2024 for the benefit of the community, transforming the site into a ‘Park and Play’. The following temporary improvements will remain in place until a long-term use for the site is officially decided and any construction begins that requires moving the amenities:

  • Bike course and pump track
  • Community gardens
  • Pickleball courts
  • Pump track
  • Skate park
  • Parking lot
  • Restrooms

The City of Kirkland is committed to maintaining existing service levels by relocating these features to new locations when or if that becomes necessary. To learn more, visit the Park Planning and Development webpage.

What is a rezone and why is this being proposed at the former Houghton Park and Ride?

The mechanism to change a zoning classification on the Zoning map is called a rezone. The zoning classification sets how land may be used. The City owns the former Houghton Park & Ride and is proposing to rezone the property from its current zoning designation, Low Density Residential (RS 8.5), to Park. The Park zone is used for parks, recreation buildings, and community centers throughout Kirkland. Please note that the rezone is being pursued separately from the Kraken Iceplex Proposal. The public hearing for the proposed rezone will be held during the Planning Commission meeting on Thursday, March 13 at 6 p.m. See the Planning Commission webpage or the Houghton Park & Ride Zoning Code Amendments Briefing(PDF, 2MB) for more information.

How can the community provide feedback?

The City is in the early stages of exploring this proposal. Community input and feedback is welcomed.