Kirkland Rental Risk Assistance Fund – Information for Landlords

Downtown Kirkland in Autumn.

The Kirkland Rental Risk Assistance Fund (Program) allocates funds to assist households and individuals seeking new residential leases in the City of Kirkland. Payments from the program are paid directly to landlord applicants. The program is intended to help those facing barriers to obtain stable housing.

Grants of up to $1,200 will be distributed to landlords with qualifying tenants to mitigate risk to landlords of tenant default. Landlords are eligible to receive up to 6 grants per property for the duration of the program.

Checklist: Required Documentation

Before you apply, please have ready:

  • Property owner UBI#
  • Landlord W9
  • Landlord Government issued photo identification (Driver’s license preferred)
  • Property information: Lease start date; lease duration; property address
  • Tenant information:
    • Proof of tenant income at 120% AMI or below
    • ONE of the below:

- Proof of tenant credit score of 650 or below, OR
- Proof of tenant bankruptcy filing (Ch. 7, 11, 13), OR
- Proof of tenant previous eviction within the past 7 years, OR
- Proof of tenant prior criminal conviction

  • Cancelled company check or other verification of business account in which to receive grant fund

Tenant Eligibility

A tenant may be eligible for the program if they meet ONE of the following criteria:

  • Tenant credit score of 650 or below
  • Tenant bankruptcy filing (Ch. 7, 11, 13 or other to be reviewed case by case)
  • Tenant previous eviction within the past 7 years
  • Tenant prior criminal conviction

Additionally, the Tenant must meet ALL of the following criteria:

  • Seeking a new residential lease in Kirkland starting on or after February 15, 2023 signed within the last 60 days
  • Residential lease sought is at least 6 months in duration
  • Tenant has an annual household income at/below 120% of the Area Median Income (AMI)
  • Tenant agrees to release documentation of eligibility to Program administrators

Landlord Eligibility

A landlord may be eligible to receive a grant from the program if they meet the following requirements:

  • Landlord has a valid Kirkland business license
  • Landlord can provide required documentation of tenant eligibility

What/Who is FORWARD?

FORWARD is the administrative partner working with the City of Kirkland to administer the program. Documents submitted will be accessible for purposes of program administration to FORWARD, and to City of Kirkland staff.

What are the details of the application process?

  1. Landlord applies via the Program CoK/FORWARD portal

  2. Tenant signs an auto-forwarded release of eligibility documentation

  3. Landlord submits required documentation (see Checklist: Required Documentation above)

  4. Program administrators notify landlord in approx. 24-48 hours of application acceptance

  5. Landlord receives payment in approx. 2 weeks.

Does the grant need to be repaid?

No, these funds do not need to be repaid. However, all taxes associated with the acceptance and/or uses of cash awarded are the sole responsibility of the individual awardee. Please contact your financial advisor or the Department of Revenue for questions related to your own situation.

Who do I contact for help?

FORWARD technical support will be provided by phone and/or email to any applicants with questions related to the FORWARD platform. For technical support, call (855) 582-3973 between 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. The Rental Risk Assistance Fund is administered by FORWARD.