School Resource Officer Task Force
Throughout 2019 and early 2020, the City and the Lake Washington School District convened a task force consisting of various members of the Kirkland community. The task force consisted of community members representing various organizations and perspectives, as well as leadership staff from the City and District. The group met seven times between June 2019 and January 2020.
Read the School Resource Officer Task Force Report of Recommendations(PDF, 330KB)
On October 16, 2018, the Kirkland City Council passed Resolution R-5339, which affirms the purpose and responsibilities of Kirkland school resource officers within the Lake Washington School District (LWSD) and initiates a community conversation to ensure that the School Resource Officer Program follows national best practices and is among the best in the country.
The three Sections of the resolution are as follows:
- Section 1. The City Council affirms it is the City's intent that the SRO program helps keep students physically, socially and emotionally safe; that the SRO program builds positive relationships between police agencies and students, regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, income or economic status, political affiliation, military status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental or sensory ability; and that the SRO program helps students receive needed services and diverts at-risk students from the criminal justice system.
- Section 2. The City shall encourage the District and the other jurisdictions within the District to engage members of the District community in a conversation about the SRO program in 2019. This community engagement should include convening a Task Force of stakeholders to become educated on the current SRO program, compare the SRO program with national best practices, and make recommendations for improvements to the program to the City and the District.
- Section 3. The City Manager is directed to reach out to the District Superintendent to collaborate on a community engagement plan. The plan may start with Kirkland as a pilot, or may include all local jurisdictions within the District. The plan should include actions, timelines and potential Task Force membership. The City Manager shall report back on these efforts at one of the Council meetings in January of 2019.
Read the School Resource Officer Task Force Report of Recommendations(PDF, 330KB).
Find out more about the School Resource Officer Program.
Background Information
City Council Memo(PDF, 7MB) from October 16, 2018
David Wolbrecht
Senior Neighborhood Services Coordinator
Phone: 425-587-3011