The Customer Accounts Division is responsible for the city's cash receipts and the billing and collection functions associated with the water and sewer utility, sanitation service, pet licenses, and business licenses. This division also provides administrative services for the city's cemetery and accepts applications for passports
The Purchasing Division provides services for purchases materials, supplies, and equipment for City business. This division also obtains quotes and estimates for contracted services such as public works, professional services, and large equipment purchases.
The City Clerk's Office supports the Mayor and City Council, oversees the Hearing Examiner function, coordinates City elections with King County, maintains official City records, files interlocal agreements and oversees public disclosure.
The Accounting Division manages the accounting activities for the city, and is responsible for accounts payable and financial reporting. This division is also responsible for coordinating internal and external audits.
The Payroll Division coordinates and processes the City’s semi-monthly payroll.
The Financial Planning Division coordinates the preparation of the City's Budget and Capital Improvement Program, and provides financial planning and analysis support to other city departments, the City Manager and the City Council.