Financial Reports

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

This is a a report prepared by the City's Finance Operations Division in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and is intended to provide sufficient information to permit the assessment of stewardship and accountability, to demonstrate legal compliance, and to provide management control.

The report includes all funds, account groups, agencies, and boards and commissions that are controlled by, or dependent on, the City's executive and legislative departments.

For the Fiscal Period ended December 31, 2023(PDF, 16MB)

For the Fiscal Period ended December 31, 2022(PDF, 12MB)

For the Fiscal Period ended December 31, 2021(PDF, 19MB)

For the Fiscal Period ended December 31, 2020(PDF, 5MB)

For the Fiscal Period ended December 31, 2019(PDF, 20MB)

For the Fiscal Period ended December 31, 2018(PDF, 14MB)

For the Fiscal Period ended December 31, 2017(PDF, 4MB)

For the Fiscal Period ended December 31, 2016
(PDF, 6MB)

For the Fiscal Period ended December 31, 2015(PDF, 3MB)
For the Fiscal Period ended December 31, 2014(PDF, 4MB)

Financial Dashboard Report

The Financial Dashboard Report is a high-level summary of some of the City’s key revenue and expenditure indicators.  It provides a budget to actual comparison for year-to-date revenues and expenditures for the general fund, as well as some other key revenues and expenditures. The report also compares this year’s actual revenue and expenditure performance to the prior year.  This report was previously provided to the Council Finance and Administration Committee.  Beginning in 2020, the report will be presented to the City Council each month on the consent agenda at the City Council meeting on the third Tuesday of each month.   


Financial Management Report (FMR)

The Financial Management Report (FMR) is a high-level status report on the City’s financial condition that is produced quarterly.  It provides a summary budget to actual comparison for year-to-date revenues and expenditures for all operating funds. The report also compares this year’s actual revenue and expenditure performance to the prior year.  This report was previously provided to the Council Finance and Administration Committee.  Beginning in 2020, the report will be presented to the City Council each quarter at the February, May, September and November City Council meetings held on the third Tuesday of those months.   


Quarterly Investment Report

The Quarterly Investment Report is prepared by the City’s Investment Advisor.   The report includes a brief market commentary, market outlook and an investment strategy for the quarter.  It also provides a summary of the portfolio, a report on the City’s compliance to its Investment Policy, a summary of activity and earnings in the quarter and a list of the City’s investment holdings.  This report was previously provided to the Council Finance and Administration Committee.  Beginning in 2020, the report will be presented to the City Council each quarter on the consent agenda at the February, May, September and November City Council meetings held on the third Tuesday of those months.  You can also view the Monthly Compliance Report.


Sales Tax Report

The Sales Tax Report reports on the amount of sales tax Kirkland has received by Business Sector.  The report presents the sales tax information by comparing the monthly sales tax amount to the prior year’s monthly collection, as well as year-to-date actuals compared to the performance of the prior year.  The report includes the performance of key economic indicators that may influence sales tax revenue as well.  This report was previously provided to the Council Finance and Administration Committee.  Beginning in 2020, the report will be presented to the City Council each month on the consent agenda at the City Council meeting on the first Tuesday of each month.