Kirkland Cares Low-Income Support Program

The Kirkland Cares Low-Income Support Program is designed to support qualifying households with discounts on utility rates and other City services and charges. The goal is to assist more households, regardless of age, housing type, and health or disability status.

An application can be downloaded by clicking this link(PDF, 3MB), and can be filled out electronically or by hand. Printed copies are also available at City Hall. Inquire at the Information Desk for a copy. 


During the 2023-2024 budget process, the City Council added new funding for Kirkland’s first universal low-income discount program to help mitigate the impacts of inflation and higher utility rates. 

On December 12, 2023, Ordinance O-4868 was passed by City Council establishing the program and creating a new chapter of the Kirkland Municipal Code

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must live within Kirkland City limits.
  • Annual household income must be at or below 80% of Area Median Income (AMI) for King County:

    Household Size  80% of 2024 Area Median
    Income (AMI)  
     For a Household of 1  $77,700
     For a Household of 2  $88,800
     For a Household of 3  $99,900
     For a Household of 4  $110,950
     For a Household of 5  $119,850
     For a Household of 6   $128,750
     For a Household of 7  $137,600
     For a Household of 8  $146,500

Utility Rate Discounts

To be eligible for the utility discount applicants must meet the income qualifications and must receive water, sewer, and/or garbage services from the City of Kirkland.

If you pay your water, sewer, and/or garbage bills directly to the City of Kirkland, discounted rates will be applied to your bill.

If your water, sewer, and/or garbage utilities are included in your rent, you are eligible for the utility discount in the form of a rebate. Rebate amounts will depend on whether utilities are fully included in your rental bill or are itemized as a separate line in your rental bill.

Please visit the City’s Utility Billing webpage for more details. 


Pet License Discount

Income qualified applicants are eligible to receive discounts on pet licenses:

  • $30 discount on license for altered pet (100% discount)
  • $30 discount on license for unaltered pet (50% discount)

The discount may be applied to each pet in a household. Only dogs and cats are eligible for licensing.

Please visit the City’s Pet Licensing Page for more details. 

Business License Discount

Income qualified applicants may receive a $50 annual discount on the basic license fee. To qualify, you must reside within the City of Kirkland and your business must be based in the City of Kirkland. You will be asked to provide your valid Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number.

To learn more, please visit the City’s Business Licensing Page. 

Vehicle License Discount

Income qualified residents may receive a $20 rebate for the city-imposed vehicle fee they personally paid by submitting an application.