Building Fires

The Kirkland Fire Department serves the City of Kirkland for fire response.

Building fires or fires outdoors can pose a threat to life-safety and property. In the event of a fire, leave the area immediately and call 9-1-1.

Prepare Now

  • Develop and practice a home fire escape plan with at least 2 ways out of every room. Include windows in your escape planning.
  • Building or business owners should develop a fire evacuation plan.
  • Install smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors on every level of your home and both inside and outside of every sleeping area. Test batteries every month and change them every 6 months.
  • Sleep with bedroom doors closed.
  • Store copies of important documents in a fire-proof lock box or digital copies with a trusted, out-of-area loved one.

Survive During

  • Call 9-1-1 as soon as it is safe to do so. 
  • Crawl low under any smoke to exit.
  • Before opening a door, feel the door with the back of your hand. If it feels hot or there is smoke coming around the door, leave the door closed and use a different way out.
  • If you open a door, open it slowly. If fire or smoke is present, shut it quickly.
  • Do not re-enter a building for people or pets. Call 9-1-1 and tell the operator where people are located in the building and tell firefighters when they arrive.
  • If you can't get out of a burning building, close the door and cover vents and cracks around doors with cloth or tape to keep smoke out. Call 9-1-1 and tell them where you are. Signal for help at the window with a light colored cloth or flashlight.
  • If your clothes catch fire, stop, drop, and roll(PDF, 1MB). If you or someone else cannot stop, drop, and roll, smother the flames with a blanket or towel. Treat burns with cool water and cover with a clean, dry cloth. Call 9-1-1 right away.

Stay Safe After

  • Contact the American Red Cross if you need emergency housing assistance at 1-800-733-2767.
  • If you are insured, contact your insurance company for instructions on how to proceed.
  • Do not re-enter a building until professional responders say it is safe to do so.
  • Do not attempt to reconnect utilities yourself. Contact your utility provider.
  • Inventory damaged property and items. Take photos if you can. Do not throw away damaged property until it is inventoried.
  • Save receipts for any money spent related to the fire. These may be needed by your insurance company and for verifying losses for tax purposes.
  • Notify your mortgage company or landlord of the fire.
  • Clean up smoke, soot, and fire damage. If the damage is extensive consider hiring a professional.
  • Submit a public records request to get a copy of the Fire Report.
  • Experiencing a fire can be extremely stressful and traumatic. Visit this website from the American Psychological Association to learn how to cope and recover emotionally after a fire.


Fire Prevention Bureau 

Contact the City of Kirkland Fire Prevention Bureau for more information about fire prevention.

Sparky the Dog (NFPA)

Sparky offers fire-safety games, activities, and other resources for kids, parents, and educators.

U.S. Fire Administration (USFA)

The USFA provides national leadership in fire prevention, preparedness, and response.

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

Information about fire, electrical, and related hazards.

Outdoor Smoke Safety

Information about smoke from fires and health impacts in Washington from Washington's Department of Health.

Wildfires and Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality information and resources from the Environmental Protection Agency.