If you cause or notice a possible hazardous materials spill or incident, avoid the area and call 9-1-1 right away.
If You Are Outside
Trash, Recycling & Compost Information about disposing of hazardous materials in Kirkland.
Hazardous Waste Disposal Information about property identifying and disposing of hazardous materials or hazardous waste.
Know What's Below. Call 811 Before You Dig Call 811 a few days before a digging project to notify local utility companies to mark buried lines.
Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) The King County LEPC is responsible for providing information about chemicals in the community to local residents.
Chemical Emergency InformationInformation from FEMA about chemical emergency preparedness and safety.
Bioterrorism InformationInformation from FEMA about bioterrorism attack preparedness and safety.
Radiological Dispersion Device (RDD) Information Information about RDD preparedness and safety.
Nuclear Explosion InformationInformation from FEMA about nuclear explosion preparedness and safety.
King County Lake Swimming Beach Data Program