Landslides happen when masses of rock, earth, or debris move down a slope. This movement can be gradual or it can happen very quickly. Landslides can be caused by a large variety of factors including earthquakes, severe weather, fire, and human activity. Landslides can be very damaging to property and pose significant threats to life-safety.
See a landslide vulnerability map(PDF, 16MB) for the City of Kirkland.
If you notice these signs, a landslide may be imminent. Leave the area immediately and dial 9-1-1.
Kirkland Landslide Susceptibility Map(PDF, 16MB) This map shows areas susceptible to deep and/or shallow-seated landslides within City limits. It is intended to be used with Chapter 85 of the City's Zoning Code.
Kirkland Zoning Code - Geologically Hazardous Areas This chapter of the Kirkland Zoning Code establishes special regulations that apply to development on property containing geologically hazardous areas.
Mapped Landslides in King CountyInteractive map showing mapped and historic landslides in King County.
United States Geological Survey Landslide ProgramGeologic information about landslides.
WA Department of Natural Resources Landslide InformationMapped landslides in Washington State, preparedness information, and geological information.
Recent Landslides This Department of Natural Resources map shows recent reported landslides in Washington.
King County Lake Swimming Beach Data Program