Extreme Heat

Extreme heat is the deadliest weather related hazard according to the National Weather Service. In the United States, extreme heat is defined as a long period (2 or more days) of high heat and humidity with temperatures above 90 degrees. In extreme heat, evaporation slows and our bodies have to work harder to maintain normal temperatures, which can lead to illness or even death from overworking the body.

Extreme heat can impact anyone, but older adults, young children, and people who are sick are more at risk. See the video below to learn about key considerations during extreme heat. 

See current Kirkland weather conditions from the National Weather Service.

Prepare Now

  • Keep buildings cool by covering windows with drapes or shades, using air conditioning, and weather stripping windows and doors.
  • Identify places in the community to cool down. Shopping centers, movie theaters, libraries, and community centers are good places to go.
  • Kirkland has lots of aquatic options to beat the heat, but be sure to enjoy them safely. Wear personal flotation devices and swim at locations with lifeguards.
  • Consider how you will practice water safety - even when temperatures are hot, the water you swim in may still be cold! 
  • Learn the signs of heat related illness from the CDC's website and how to treat them.

Survive During

  • Find areas with air conditioning.
  • Avoid strenuous activities.
  • Prepare for the heat and exposure to the elements with a few key considerations. Wear light clothing. Wear a wide-brimmed hat if you must be outside. Wear sunscreen on any exposed skin.
  • Check for signs of heat related illness. Seek medical care if symptoms include nausea or throwing up, dizziness or confusion, of if they last for longer than 1 hour.
  • Check on neighbors, especially those that may be more susceptible to heat-related illness.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Never leave people or pets in a car, even with the windows open.
  • Know that fans do not reduce body temperature. Fans create airflow and a sense of comfort, but they do not help prevent heat-related illness.
  • If you go swimming to cool off during the heat, make sure you're doing so safely. Check out these safe swimming tips(PDF, 6MB).

Heat-Related Illness

Heat-related illnesses are preventable and occur when the body can't cool itself down fast enough.

Heat Cramps

SIGNS: Muscle pains or spasms in the stomach, arms, or legs.
WHAT TO DO: Cool down the body by moving to a cooler location and removing excess clothing. Drink water or sports drinks. Seek medical help if cramps last more than 1 hour.

Heat Exhaustion

SIGNS: Heavy sweating, muscle cramps, pale skin, nausea or vomiting, dizziness,  or passing out.
WHAT TO DO: Go to a cooler location and lie down. Take a cool bath or place cool, damp cloths on the body. Loosen clothing. Drink water if alert. Seek medical care if symptoms last more than 1 hour or if the person throws up.

Heat Stroke

SIGNS: No sweating, very high body temperature (above 103° F), red, hot, and dry skin, nausea or vomiting, headache, confusing, or passing out.
WHAT TO DO: Call 9-1-1 right away. Do not give the person anything to drink. Move the person to a cooler location. Use cool cloths or a cool bath to lower the person's body temperature.


Water Safety
King County water safety information including river hazards, affordable life jackets, pool and spa safety, and preparedness information.

Drowning Prevention
Information about recognizing and preventing drowning from Seattle Children's Hospital.

Heat-Related Illness
Additional information about recognizing and treating heat-related illness from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).