Thunderstorms can happen at any time of year, and every thunderstorm produces lightning. Lightning is one of the leading causes of injury due to weather-related events. Thunderstorms are dangerous and it is important to avoid exposure to them as much as possible.
See current weather conditions in Kirkland from the National Weather Service.
Thunderstorm Watch: Severe thunderstorms are possible in the area. Get ready and monitor local weather information online, on the news, and using a NOAA Weather Radio.
Thunderstorm Warning: Severe thunderstorm conditions are occurring or will occur shortly. Indicates immediate threats to safety and property for those in the area. Take protective actions.
Thunderstorm and Lightning PreparednessAdditional preparedness information from the National Weather Service about thunderstorms and lightning.
Kirkland Weather InformationCurrent weather conditions and 7-day forecast from the National Weather Service.
Take Winter By StormRegional preparedness information for severe weather.
Downed Power Lines Safety information regarding downed power lines from Puget Sound Energy.
King County Lake Swimming Beach Data Program