
Here is a list of local resources with information to help get prepared for emergencies and disasters.

Resources for Transportation

Prepare Your Vehicle for Emergencies
Vehicle preparedness information from the Washington State Department of Health and the Emergency Management Division of the Washington State Military Department.

What Should You Keep In Your Car?
Vehicle emergency kit information from the National Safety Council.

Turn Around Don't Drown 
Information about vehicle preparedness for flood conditions from the National Weather Service.

Downed Power Lines
Information about downed power line safety from Puget Sound Energy.

Resources for Pet Preparation

Want to learn more about preparedness for your pets? The Kirkland Animal Control Officer taught a Pet Preparedness class, watch the video here.


Kirkland Animal Services
Information about pet licensinganimal shelteringanimal control, and more in Kirkland.

Pet Preparedness Template(PDF, 825KB)
Download a template to help you prepare your pets for emergencies.

Everett Animal Shelter
The City of Kirkland contracts with the Everett Animal Shelter for the sheltering and care of the City's stray animals.

American Humane Society
The American Humane Society helps respond to animals in need during emergencies.

Preparing Makes Sense for Pet Owners
A video from the Federal Emergency Management Agency with more animal preparedness information.

Resources for People with Access and Functional Needs

City of Kirkland Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice
In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), the City of Kirkland will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs, or activities.

King County Access
Access takes you anywhere a Metro bus, Seattle streetcar or Sound Transit light rail goes at that time and on that day of the week.

Emergency Preparedness and Disability Inclusion
Preparedness information from the Centers for Disease Control.

Personal Support Network
A video showcasing preparedness considerations for people with access and functional needs.

Resources for Seniors

Kirkland Adult 50+ and Senior Services
City of Kirkland services for seniors and adults over the age of 50.

Prepare for Emergencies Now(PDF, 502KB)
Informational brochure about preparedness for older Americans.

Emergency Preparedness Workbook for Adult Family Homes
Resource to create a facility emergency plan for adult family homes from the Washington State Emergency Management Division.

Emergency Planning Resources for Long-Term Care Facilities
Emergency planning resources and considerations from the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services.

Community Living Preparedness Resources
Emergency preparedness resources and considerations for organizations and individuals from the Administration for Community Living.

Healthcare Emergency Plans and Tools
Preparedness information and tools from the Northwest Healthcare Response Network.

Resources for Children, Teens, and Families

Go to to find information and tools to help kids, teens, and families prepare for disasters.

