Juror Duty

To jurors summonsed for the February 2025 jury trial term, you are excused from service.  A new pool of jurors will be summonsed for the March term.

February Trial Schedule

  • Monday, February 10, 2025 - No Jury Trials
  • Tuesday, February 11, 2025 - No Jury Trials
  • Wednesday, February 12, 2025 - No Jury Trials
  • Thursday, February 13, 2025 - No Jury Trials
  • Friday, February 14, 2025 - No Jury Trials


As always, thank you for your willingness to serve as a juror.
John R. Olson, Presiding Judge

NOTICE for March 2025 Jurors:

Jury trials are held in person rather than by virtual hearing.

Masks are welcome for all case participants including jurors reporting to the Kirkland Municipal Court building on the date summonsed.

Please call the juror information line at 425-587-3181 for any changes or updates.


Contact Information

Call the jury information line 425-587-3181 the night before you are scheduled to serve for any changes to the trial schedule.

Email: jury@kirklandwa.gov

Juror Information Line: 425-587-3181

Kirkland Municipal Court is located in the Kirkland Justice Center, 11740 N.E. 118TH Street, Kirkland, Washington 98034

If you have questions or concerns about Juror Duty service, you may call the office line at 425-587-3160, Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM.


Jurors are summoned randomly. Jurors serving at Kirkland Municipal Court must be American citizens and residents of King County. Please read your juror summons for information detailing special circumstances allowing exemption from jury duty. For more information on jury service, you may refer to the Jury Information Guide.


Jurors may park for free at the Kirkland Justice Center. Overflow parking is available on 118th Street as well.


Kirkland Municipal Court would like to alert our residents to jury duty scams that are becoming more prevalent across the country and around Washington. We greatly value our citizens willing to serve on jury duty and are very concerned that you might become victims of a scam artist and using the name of the court to do so. Please be aware that citizens in several Washington Counties as well as around the country have lost large sums of money. Here is how it usually happens: an individual calls or e-mails and claims that you have missed jury duty. They indicate, as a result, a warrant has been issued for your arrest and/or that the Sheriff is on route to arrest you, and demand payment, a credit card number, or a social security number for failure to appear for jury duty. Employees of Kirkland Municipal Court will never ask for payment over the phone or by e-mail. Court officials will also never ask for you to purchase a pre-paid card, provide cash or a check to pay for failure to appear for jury duty. Never give out personal information by phone or e-mail. Please report any suspicious activity of this kind to your local law enforcement agency.