Safe Haven from All Forms of Violence and Abuse

Below is summary information for the human services programs funded by the City in 2021 that support domestic violence and sexual assault survivors. 

Please note that in collecting data for Racial Identity, individuals who identify as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin can be of any race US Census FAQ about race and ethnicity.

BIPOC refers to Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color

AMI refers to Area Median Income as determined by the US Department Housing and Urban Development (HUD).



Total Funds Allocated for 2021 $115,148
Total Organizations Funded
BIPOC Organizations
Client Racial and Ethnic Identity      Count     Percentage
American Indian/Alaska Native 3 1%
Asian/Asian American 6 2%
Black/African American 21 6%
Latino/Hispanic 48 15%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0%
White/Caucasian 94 29%
Other 16 5%
Multi-Racial 8 2%
Unknown 180 55%
 Total Clients Served 328  

Organization:  Consejo Counseling and Referral Service

Program: Domestic Violence & Advocate Service 

BIPOC Organization:  Yes

Amount Funded (2021):  $15,000

Program Overview:  Consejo’s  Domestic Violence Program addresses the need of the marginalized population that includes Latino immigrants domestic violence survivors. Consejo provides outreach & engagement, information and referral services, advocacy-based counseling, safety planning, legal advocacy and support groups for Latina/o survivors of domestic violence. Services are designed to understand the complex needs of survivors, many of whom are Spanish-speaking immigrants/refugees.

Racial Identity
Racial Identity  Number   Percent 
 American Indian/Alaskan Native  0 0%
 Asian/Asian American  0 0%
 Black/African American  0 0%
 Latino/Hispanic  13 100%
 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander   0 0%
 White/Caucasian  0 0%
 Other 0 0%
 Multi-Racial  0 0%
 Unknown  13 100%
 TOTAL  13  
Client Age
 Age    Number  Percent 
 0-5   0 0%
 6-12   0 0%
 13-17   0  0%
 18-24 3 23%
 25-34 3 23%
 35-54 7 54%
 55-74  0 0%
 75-84  0 0%
 85  0 0%
 Unknown   0 0%
 TOTAL   13  
Client Income
Income Level  Number   Percent 
 Very Low (<30% AMI)  10 77%
 Low (<50% AMI) 3 23%
 Moderate (<80% AMI)   0  0%
 Above (>80% AMI)  0  0%
 Unknown  0  0%
 TOTAL  13  
Gender Identity
 Gender Identity    Number   Percent 
 Female  12  92%
 Male  1 8%
 Transgender  0  0%
 Unknown  0  0%
 TOTAL  13  


Organization:  Harborview Medical Center

Program:  Center for Sexual Assault and Traumatic Stress 

BIPOC Organization:  No

Amount Funded (2021):  $9,580

Program Overview:  Provides services for children, youth and adults who have experienced sexual assault or other traumatic events. Services are also available for non-offending family members and children who display sexual behavior problems. Services include brief intervention, evidence based therapy for the effects of traumatic stress, medical and legal advocacy services, crisis intervention, information and referral and outreach/community awareness.

Racial Identity
Racial Identity  Number   Percent 
 American Indian/Alaskan Native 0 0%
 Asian/Asian American 0 0%
 Black/African American 1 6%
 Latino/Hispanic 0 0%
 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander  0 0% 
 White/Caucasian 14 78%
 Other 1 6%
 Multi-Racial  0 0%
 Unknown  2 11%
 TOTAL  18  
Client Age
 Age    Number  Percent 
 0-5  2 11%
 6-12  6 33%
 13-17  3 17%
 18-24 3 17%
 25-34 1 6%
 35-54 3 17%
 55-74 0 0%
 75-84 0 0%
 85 0 0%
 Unknown  0 0%
 TOTAL   18  
Client Income
Income Level  Number   Percent 
 Very Low (<30% AMI)  10 56%
 Low (<50% AMI) 1 6%
 Moderate (<80% AMI)  0 0%
 Above (>80% AMI) 2 11%
 Unknown 5 28%
 TOTAL  18  
Gender Identity
 Gender Identity    Number   Percent 
 Female 8 44%
 Male 8 44%
 Transgender 0 0%
 Unknown 2 11%
 TOTAL  18  


Organization: King County Sexual Assault Resource Center

Program:  Comprehensive Sexual Assault Services

BIPOC Organization:  No

Amount Funded (2021):  $20,568

Program Overview:  Comprehensive trauma focused crises and advocacy services in English and Spanish for victims of sexual assault and their families. Specialized counselors provide 24/7 crisis intervention, case management, navigation of the criminal justice and legal system, and psychoeducational support for families whose child is a survivor.

Racial Identity
Racial Identity  Number   Percent 
 American Indian/Alaskan Native 1 1%
 Asian/Asian American 0 0%
 Black/African American 6 6%
 Latino/Hispanic 11 10%
 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander  0 0%
 White/Caucasian 37 33%
 Other 3  3%
 Multi-Racial 3 3%
 Unknown 62 55%
 TOTAL  112  
Client Age
 Age    Number  Percent 
 0-5  7 6%
 6-12  35 31%
 13-17  34 30%
 18-24 12 11%
 25-34 7 6%
 35-54 15 13%
 55-74 1 1%
 75-84 0 0%
 85 1 1%
 Unknown   0 0%
 TOTAL   112  
Client Income
Income Level  Number   Percent 
 Very Low (<30% AMI)  10 9%
 Low (<50% AMI) 5 4%
 Moderate (<80% AMI)  6 5%
 Above (>80% AMI) 6 5%
 Unknown 85 76%
 TOTAL 112  
Gender Identity
 Gender Identity    Number   Percent 
 Female 90 80%
 Male 18 16%
 Transgender 2  2%
 Unknown 2 2%
 TOTAL  112  


Organization:  LifeWire

Program:  Survivor Advocacy Services

BIPOC Organization:  No

Amount Funded (2021):  $70,000

Program Overview:  Provides advocacy services for survivors of domestic violence, including case consultation, supportive listening, referrals, outreach, legal system navigation assistance, and individual/group behavioral health services.

Racial Identity
Racial Identity  Number   Percent 
 American Indian/Alaskan Native 2 1%
 Asian/Asian American 6 3%
 Black/African American 14 8%
 Latino/Hispanic 24 13%
 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander  0 0%
 White/Caucasian 43 23%
 Other 12 6%
 Multi-Racial 5 3%
 Unknown 103 56%
 TOTAL  185  
Client Age
 Age    Number  Percent 
 0-5  0 0%
 6-12  2 1%
 13-17  2 1%
 18-24 6 3%
 25-34 29 16%
 35-54 42 23%
 55-74 4 2%
 75-84 0 0%
 85 0 0%
 Unknown  100 54%
 TOTAL   185  
Client Income
Income Level  Number   Percent 
 Very Low (<30% AMI)  35 44%
 Low (<50% AMI) 3 4%
 Moderate (<80% AMI)  27 34%
 Above (>80% AMI) 6 8%
 Unknown 8 10%
 TOTAL  79  
Gender Identity
 Gender Identity    Number   Percent 
 Female 84 45%
 Male 1 1%
 Transgender 0 0%
 Unknown 100 54%
 TOTAL 185