Juanita Beach Park Bathhouse Replacement Project

Juanita Beach bathhouses and picnic structure.

Visitors have a new bathhouse, two picnic pavilions, and a new accessible-to-all-abilities playground—that includes a swing set—to enjoy at Juanita Beach Park. The new bathhouse is oriented to provide westward views of Lake Washington from the park. Its restrooms are open year-round. It offers expanded space for concessions and lifeguards.

Kirkland's contractor has completed construction. The City has opened Juanita's new features to the public. 

The playground is centered between the new bathhouse and the new picnic pavilions to provide open views of the beach and lake.

The new playground's accessible synthetic turf and its all-abilities play elements will be accessible to people of all abilities.

This project was conceptualized for Juanita Beach in 2006 during park master plan in which community members, stakeholders, and City leadership articulated a vision to remove the existing facility and to build a new bathhouse nearby.

In addition to the new bathhouse building. The project will also relocate and replace the existing children’s playground and provide two new group picnic pavilions, both elements which were originally set forth in the master plan.

The park’s master plan provided the guidance on the architectural character for park structures at Juanita Beach: “Buildings are developed with a craftsmen style architectural character that strongly ties to the parks natural landscape, open lawn character and the historic recreational use of the site. The buildings are sited at the edges of the lawn and plaza areas to assist in defining the spaces. The building scale and locations complements and reinforces the landscape character and provide focal points for park visitors. Buildings are tucked into gentle landforms or vegetation edges.”

The new bathhouse was designed by Patano Studio Architecture, the architecture firm retained by the City who was selected for their experience in similar projects and their ability to fulfill the vision of the community created park master plan. 

The terminology “bathhouse” is an homage to a portion of the history of Juanita Beach Park, to a time where the land of the current park was a summer retreat and vacation destination for Seattle families.

The bathhouse of that time included dressing rooms and showers on the lower level and dance floor and table area upstairs.

A jukebox provided music for dancing. Kirkland’s modern-day bathhouse will include year-around bathrooms, summertime bathrooms with space for dressing, outdoor showers, lifeguarding space, and space for non-motorized boating concessions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will be in the "Bathhouse"?

Kirkland’s modern-day bathhouse will include heated year-around restrooms, summertime restrooms with space for dressing, outdoor showers, lifeguarding space, and space for non-motorized boating concessions. The terminology “bathhouse” is an homage to a portion of the history of Juanita Beach Park, to a time where the land of the current park was a summer retreat and vacation destination for Seattle families. The bathhouse of that time included dressing rooms and showers on the lower level and a dance floor and table area upstairs. A jukebox provided music for dancing.

What's happening to the existing playground equipment? It seems pretty new. Tell me more about the all-inclusive playground concept.

A new playground will be installed as part of this project.  The playground was designed to be both ADA accessible and all-inclusive.  An inclusive playground is a playground that allows children of all ages and abilities to play together. It’s wheelchair accessible and helps to develop physical, cognitive, sensory and social skills. Inclusive playgrounds provide a platform for social equity and allows entire families of all ages to enjoy time together. The existing playground equipment will be relocated to Windsor Vista Park.

How will parking be impacted?

The far western portion of the parking lot will be closed to the public for the duration of the construction. The remaining parking lot to the east will be open to the public.

How will I be able to rent a pavilion?

The City of Kirkland is thrilled to have Juanita Beach’s new picnic pavilions available to the public for rent! To rent, begin by reviewing the rental guidelines here Picnic Shelter and Picnic Area Rental Guidelines. To make a reservation, visit www.KirklandParks.net. The pavilions will be available to rent once project construction is completed.