Parks Funding Exploratory Committee Position Description
Community Members creating recommendations for potential 2023 Parks ballot measure(s)
Community feedback over the past few years, including from over 4,700 Kirkland community members who provided input as part of the 2022 Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan update, has shown a strong desire to add an aquatic center and additional indoor recreation space in Kirkland. Community members also want year-round access to restrooms, a strengthened trail network, better lighting and parking at facilities, increased maintenance of parks, pickleball courts, diverse and inclusive recreation programming, and more.
The City Council has heard that the community wants fast action to deliver improvements, enhancements and expansion of parks and recreation services identified during the PROS Plan update. On March 1, 2022, the City Council adopted Resolution R-5514(PDF, 642KB) directing staff to:
Explore potential comprehensive Parks ballot measure options to be placed before Kirkland voters in 2023 for the purpose of maintaining and expanding natural areas, open spaces, aquatic and recreational facilities, and program opportunities that enhance the health and wellbeing of the community to further the goals of abundant parks, open spaces, and recreational services.
The City Council is looking for input from Kirkland community members, groups, and businesses to help identify the right elements to include in potential November 2023 ballot measure(s) and the appropriate funding mechanism(s) that could be part of the ballot measure(s).
To carry out this important work, on August 3, 2022, the City Council approved the formation of a Parks Funding Exploratory Committee (PFEC) to determine the highest priorities for parks and recreation and provide recommendations to the City Council regarding what capital and operating elements and funding mechanisms the ballot measure(s) should include.
The City is currently seeking community members to apply for the activity/interest and identity group and at-large PFEC positions. Paper applications may be picked up at Kirkland City Hall at the Parks and Community Services Department, 123 5th Avenue, Kirkland, WA 98033. All materials are available at
PFEC Meetings may be held in-person or virtually on Thursday evenings. The first two meetings in September 2022 will be held in-person at local parks. October meetings will be held virtually. Location details will be communicated at least two weeks in advance of the meeting date.