Community Gardens

Photo of a community garden plot

Join a Community Garden!

Get to know your neighbors as you grow your own organic fruits and vegetables. Community gardens or pea patches are a great way to build community within our neighborhoods. The City of Kirkland has 3 Community Gardens with a total of 103 garden/pea patch plots. Plot assignment is on a first-come, first-served basis. Priority will go to returning gardeners in good standing. All new gardeners will need to sign up for our Waitlist. 

Join our 2024 Pea Patch Waitlist if you're interested in securing a plot for the 2024 Gardening Season. The waitlist opened at midnight PST on January 1, 2024.

Register for the 2024 Community Gardening Waitlist

The gardening season occurs annually from March 1st - November 1st and has a seasonal fee of $60.


New for 2024 only: A temporary Community Garden has been added at the Houghton Park and Play location. Please register for the waitlist above if interested in one of these plots and read its specific guidelines(PDF, 128KB).


Community Gardening Guidelines

  1. The registration deadline for returning resident gardeners is approximately February 15th of each year. After this date, plots will be assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. All participants for a plot must be registered.
  2. The annual fee is $60 per plot. Scholarships are available for qualified low-income individuals.
  3. Priority for allocation of plots will be given to the previous year’s resident users, with any remaining plots distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Priority is given to Kirkland residents. If plots are available, non-residents may be assigned a plot for one year.
  4. Kirkland Parks & Community Services is committed to accommodating people with disabilities and will make every reasonable effort to ensure programs and services are accessible. To request accommodation, please call us at 425-587-3300.
  5. Opening day for plot use is tentatively set for March 1st. Plot leases run for one season. Clean up must be complete by November 1st. See Guideline #15 for definition of clean-up. An annual work party will be scheduled around November 1st each year to ensure clean-up.
  6. Gardeners will have seven (7) weeks from the opening date (until April 22 – Earth Day) to begin work on their gardens. After that date, plots that are neglected will be reassigned. During the program’s duration, any plot that becomes untended (overgrown weeds, unwatered, unharvested) for more than four (4) weeks will be reassigned. Gardeners wishing to cancel in mid-season should notify the Parks & Community Service Department office at 425-587-3330 or
  7. All plot preparation is the responsibility of its designated user. You are encouraged to enrich your plot’s soil.
  8. Gardeners are responsible for cultivating, watering, and general care of the plots. Please respect adjacent plots by eliminating all weeds in the seedling stage. Gardeners are also responsible for weeding any pathway bordering the gardeners’ leased plot. Walkways and paths are to be clear of all debris at all times.
  9. A gardener must be on site when watering. Hoses for watering may be used, but be aware of sharing water faucets with others (especially when two or more gardeners are on the site at the same time). Also be conscious of using water wisely.
  10. The use of pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, etc.) is not allowed in or around the pea patch sites. Organic gardening techniques should be used. The City cannot guarantee that pea patches are strictly organic. No tobacco products are allowed in the gardening area. Tobacco products often contain a mosaic virus, which is dangerous to tomatoes and beans.
  11. Gardeners are solely responsible for their plants, materials, equipment, and soil amendments, and for any expenses incurred for such items.
  12. Noise deterrents for rodents, including ultrasonic devices are not allowed.
  13. No terraces or permanent structures are to be built. Framed or raised beds are allowed, provided they do not impact neighboring plots and do not encroach on pathways. Painted materials are strictly prohibited.
  14. Plots must be fully utilized. If your plot is too large, please request a smaller one, share with a friend, contact the City for plot-sharing partner, or plant a cover crop in the open area. All participants involved in the use of a plot must be registered.
  15. Upon completion of harvest, all dead vegetable matter debris must be incorporated back into the soil or completely removed. Gardeners are responsible for clean up and clearing plots. Gardeners must remove all unused wire, plastic stakes, strings, etc., from the plot by November 1st. Perennial plantings must be attended to during the winter months and the plot neatly maintained.
  16. Produce and flowers from the garden are not to be used for sale or commercial purposes.
  17. Pets are not allowed in the pea patch area.
  18. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT: The undersigned hereby apply through the registration process to the City of Kirkland (City) for use of a park pea patch and certifies the information given in the registration is correct. The undersigned further states that he/she has the authority to register and agrees to observe all ordinances and regulations of the City of Kirkland. The applicant agrees to indemnify, defend, and save harmless the City or its officers, agents, employees, alleging damage or injury arising out of the subject matter of the registration provided, however, that such provision shall not apply to the extent that damage or injury results from the sole fault of the City or its officers, agents, or employees. “Fault” as herein used shall have the same meaning as set forth in RCW 4.22.015. The applicant further agrees to reimburse the City of Kirkland Parks and Community Services Department for any damage arising from the applicant’s use of said community garden and equipment. The applicant or his agent has examined and inspected the park facilities, premises, equipment, and furnishings for defects and finds them fit and safe for the purpose stated above.  
  19. The City of Kirkland will not guarantee against vandalism or theft. Notify the Kirkland Police at 425-587-3400 if you witness damage or theft.
  20. Gardening resources:
    • King County/WSU Master Gardeners  206-296-3440
    • Center for Urban Horticulture, UW 206-543-8616

Printable Pea-Patch-Guidelines.pdf(PDF, 87KB)

Important Dates

Now through 01/31/24  Pre-Registration for returning gardeners for 2024 Gardening Season. 
01/01/24 at midnight Wait list opens for new gardeners.
01/16/24 at 8 AM Registration opens online at
  Registration opens for call-in at 425-587-3330.
  In-Person registration opens at our Parks Counter in City Hall.
01/31/24 Last day for returning gardeners to preregister for the 2024 gardening season.
02/14/24 Last day for returning gardeners to pay for their 2024 season fees.
02/15/24 Reach out to those on wait list.
To be determined Registration for new gardeners continue until all plots are assigned.
03/01/24 2024 Gardening Season opens.
04/22/24 Work on gardeners must begin by this date.
11/01/24 Gardening Season ends.

 Printable Community-Gardening-Important-Dates.pdf(PDF, 228KB)

Organic Gardening Information