Chinese, Latino and Russian / Ukrainian Services

Educational and Recreational Programs Accessible to Chinese, Latino and Russian / Ukrainian Seniors

Programs and services are available to Chinese, Latino and Russian / Ukrainian seniors at the Peter Kirk Community Center. A multi-lingual staff member is onsite on dedicated days to give you the opportunity to take part in organized activities. Traditional program components such as outreach and advocacy are also provided. 

Chinese Services - Tuesdays

For more information call Jiaoling Li at the Chinese Information & Services Center, 206-396-7287 or Boliver Choi

Chinese Dance & Music   

Join this fun, social activity and meet new friends. Facilitated in Mandarin/Cantonese language.

Free Tue 9:30 am – 11:30 am

Ongoing E.S.L. for Chinese Seniors 

English as a second language is offered for non-English speaking adults. Designed for those with limited, or no English. Free

Tue 9:30-11:30am Ongoing

中文服务 - 周二 (Chinese Services – Tuesdays) 

查詢詳情:李小姐 206-396-7287 或 蔡先生



周二 (Tuesday) - 进行中 (ongoing)

中国老年人的 ESL (ESL for Chinese Seniors)      为不会说英语的成年人提供英语作为第二语言。专为英语水平有限或不会说英语的人设计。費用全免。

周二 (Tuesday) - 进行中 (ongoing)


Latino Services -Mondays

For more information call Clemencia Robayo at Sea Mar Community Health Center, 206-764-8044.

Strategy for a Healthy Longevity (in Spanish)

Learn how to improve your health and slow the aging process. Key elements that will enhance quality of life and advance your well-being will be discussed. Free

Monthly 10–11:45 am

E.S.L. for Latino Seniors

English as a second language is offered for non-English speaking adults. Designed for those with limited or no English. Free

Mon 12:45-2pm Ongoing

Servicios Latinos – Miércoles 

Para obtener más información, por favor llame a Clemencia Robayo en Sea Mar Community Health Center, 206.764.8044.

Estrategia para una Longevidad Saludable (en Español)

Aprenda como mejorar su salud y retardar el proceso de envejecimiento. Discutimos los elementos clave que mejorarán la calidad de vida y promoverán su bienestar. Gratis.

Mensual (monthly) 

ESL para Adultos Mayores Latinos

Inglés como segundo lenguaje para adultos que no hablan inglés. Diseñado para aquellos con inglés limitado o nulo.


Russian Services- Thursday

For more information or to make an appointment call Alexandra at 425-698-1113 or email

The CISC Eastside Family Resource Support Program is offering information and direct assistance services to the Russian speaking community at the Peter Kirk Community Center. Our staff will assist Russian/Ukrainian speaking clients in understanding the options and resources available to them so they can make informed choices. We provide assistance in areas such as health insurance options, housing options, transportation, and more. For questions, please contact Alexandra at 425-698-1113 or email





A luncheon event for Latino seniors.  Group of Chinese singers.  Group of Chinese adults walking.