Swim Lessons

Swim Lesson - Aquatots Class 2022 (2).jpg

At the Peter Kirk Pool we offer group swim lesson levels for Parent/Child, Preschool, Youth, Teens, and Adults. We have Private Swim Lessons available for those 5 years and older. 

Registration for 2025 Swim Lessons coming soon!

Swim Lesson Registration:

  • To register for swim lessons, you can call 425-587-3336 or go online to www.KirklandParks.net
  • Staff at the Peter Kirk Pool do not take swim lesson registration or transfers.
  • If you would like to register in person, please visit the Peter Kirk Community Center across the parking lot.

Class Registration Closes: Registration closes the Thursday before the beginning of the session at 4pm.

  • Once registration has closed for the upcoming session, no other participants will be added to the roster.
  • Please do not come to the first day of class if your child is not registered for that session.

Pool Map of lesson Placement(PDF, 608KB)

Swim Lesson Level Guide(PDF, 115KB)

Swim Lessons Frequently Asked Questions

On-site Lesson Coordinators cannot process lesson registration, withdraws, or waitlists.

Level Advancement: Most students participate in the same level two or three times before advancing to the next level. 

  • Intro level classes (Preschool 1 & Youth 1) tend to take longer to move up; these students participate in the same level for 3-4 sessions before passing all of the exit assessments.  
  • For Youth 3 and Youth 4, participants must be able to lap swim without assistance before taking these levels. A good indicator of their swimming ability is being able to pass our Deep Water Swim Test. 

Exit Assessment Skills: Exit Assessment skills are evaluated by instructors for each child’s report card. All Exit Assessment Skills must be passed and checked off by the instructor for a child to move up to the next level. Exit Assessment Skills can be found on our website or in the guide below the level description. 

Report Cards: In our Monday – Thursday Lessons, swimmers are evaluated after the first week of class. Report Cards are emailed out by the Tuesday of the second week of class to parents to help inform them on which lesson their child should take in the upcoming lesson session. If a student’s report card evaluation has changed, the parent will be notified of the level advancement. Friday and Saturday Lessons do not pass out Report Cards. 

Swim Lesson Level Guide(PDF, 115KB)

Rain Policy: We have class rain or shine. Our outdoor pools are heated throughout the season. The only time class would be canceled is in the event of a thunderstorm, or unscheduled facility closure.  

Facility Closures: Unscheduled facility closures can occur with limited notice. If your class is canceled due to an unforeseen facility closure, all participants will receive a two-admission public swim voucher to be used for any 2024 public swim. If you are concerned about facility closures, please contact the pool hotline at 425-587-3335 or on the Kirkland Parks and Community Services Facebook page. If a facility closure cancels swim lessons, you will immediately receive and email notification. 

Make-up Policy: If you miss a class, we do not schedule make-up classes. We encourage parents to call in and inform the instructors if their child will be missing class.  

Lesson Registration: To register for swim lessons, you can call 425-587-3336 or go online to KirklandParks.net. The Peter Kirk Pool does not take swim lesson registration or transfers. If you would like to register in person, please visit the Peter Kirk Community Center across the parking lot.  Please do not come to the first day of class if your child is not registered for that session. 

Class Registration Closes: Registration closes the Thursday before the beginning of the session at 4pm.  

Swim Level Registration Transfers: If your session is just beginning, and you think your child is in the wrong level, please attend the first day of your child’s registered class level and speak with an onsite Lessons Coordinator to see if there is room for a level transfer. Level transfers are not guaranteed due to limited spot availability and are only available to registered students. 

Waitlist Policy: Waitlist participants are added to classes in order of registration times. Emails will be sent out to waitlist participants to sign up for their classes. The spot will be reserved for 24 hours. If there is no response, we will move to the next participant on the waitlist. Once registration has closed for the upcoming session, no other participants will be added to the roster. If you get the waitlist email and wish to register, use the link in the email or call 425-587-3336

Private Lesson – Sibling Registration: Two siblings close in age and swimming ability may be registered for the same private lesson session. Please register your first child in Civic Rec. Once your first child is registered you can call Loni at 425-587-3333 to register your second child. Both children will need to pay for the private lesson. 

Swim Lesson Etiquette & Expectations

Swim Lesson Class Etiquette:

  • Please do not come to the first day of class if you or your child is not registered for that session. We cannot add students to the roster once the registration period has closed.
  • All peter kirk pool rules apply during swim lessons.
  • Lessons start promptly at registered start time.
  • Students must wait for their instructor to call them into the water.
  • Students must always stay with their instructor when in the pool.
  • Students may use the diving blocks while supervised by an instructor.
  • Students must get out of the pool when the lesson ends. Instructor will make sure all students are out of the water before they leave the class area.
  • There is no public swimming during lessons unless otherwise specified.
  • Pool Sanitation Requirements:
    • Ensure your child has been to the toilet prior to the lesson. Fecal accidents can cause unwanted interruptions to class time and facility closures up to 24 hours.
    • Infants and toddlers who are not toilet trained must wear a swim diaper and have a tight-fitting protective covering (Per State Health Code)
    • Students who feel sick/ill are asked not to come to class.

Student Expectations:

  • Respectful Conduct: Students should be capable of listening and following basic instructions from the swim instructor, including safety rules and behavior guidelines. Similarly, respectful, non-disruptive behavior is expected towards lifeguards, fellow participants, and staff.
  • Listening Skills: Students should demonstrate age-appropriate listening skills. Students should be able to listen to instructors and follow instructions promptly with active engagement and participation.
  • Safe Play: Students may not engage in any behavior that could endanger themselves or others, and always practice safe play in the water.
  • Poolside Behavior: Students must have proper etiquette at all times, including staying in designated areas & following all safety rules. Students should be able to work together during group activities and not engage in disruptive behavior.
    • Our instructors and lifeguards use positive reinforcement to encourage appropriate class behavior. They will give students warnings and correction of behavior if needed to ensure everyone participation of the class is learning and is safe.
    • Students continue exhibiting distracting, disruptive, or unsafe behavior will be removed from the lesson for the day.

Swim Lesson Tips

Swim Lesson Tips & Tricks:

  • We recommend hair ties for students with long hair.
  • Goggles are not necessary but may be recommended for more advanced levels.
    • Preschool 1 & Youth 1 classes require that each participant open their eyes underwater without goggles.
  • Students should bring two towels to lessons – one for the pool deck and one for the locker room.
  • Remember every child develops differently – please be patient, consistent, and encouraging. It is natural for beginning swimmers to get upset and even cry, please allow your child to work through the anxiety of separation and a new environment. They will not be forced to do anything they don’t want to and will be continually encouraged to try new things.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the Lesson Coordinator on duty during your lesson session.

Swim Lesson Level Guide(PDF, 115KB)

Deep Water Swim Test

Deep Water Swim Test: At the Peter Kirk Pool we have a Deep Water Swim Test for swimmers 12 and under. This test is to show a swimmer’s confidence in the water and ability to safely enter, resurface, and exit the pool in deep water. This test is done by a lifeguard in the deep end of the pool.  

In order to pass the Deep Water Swim Test, a swimmer must complete all of the following: 

Goggles are not allowed to be worn during the Deep Water Swim Test 

  1. The swimmer must jump into the deep end of the pool feet first and resurface
  2. The swimmer must then immediately start to swim to the far end of the pool (25 yards) 
    1. The swimmer must swim continuously without assistance, stopping, or touching/holding the wall – briefly stopping to breathe is allowed
    2. Swimmers must show confident/strong swimming mechanics by only using freestyle, front crawl, or breaststroke – Swimmers must remain horizontal on top of the water and have some level of proficiency in the swim stroke. Underwater swimming is not permitted
    3. Swimmers must also have controlled rhythmic breathing (side-breathing or quick pop-up breathing)
  3. At the end of the 25-yard swim, the swimmer must exit the swimming pool either by steps, ladder or side

If a swimmer does not pass the Deep Water Swim Test, the lifeguard will let the swimmer know what they need to work on in order to pass the test. For swimmers that have passed, their swim test results are recorded for the season, and those who pass can pick up their wrist bands at the lifeguard office. Testing seasonally ensures that the child demonstrates their swim ability to stay safe each time they are in and around the water. Lifeguards may ask an individual to retest at any point in the season to ensure that they are safe to swim in deep water. 

Aquatots Class Description

Aquatots Classes

Location: Main Pool
Age: 6-36 Months
Class size: 10
Class Time: 30 minutes  

Our parent-child class encourages comfort and safety in and around water through guided instruction. The class's goal is to acclimate your child in the water by introducing water sprinkled on the head and face, bubble blowing, in-water assisted arm and leg motioning, along with aqua-inspired songs to bring fun and excitement to pool time with their parents. This class requires the parent or guardian to be in the pool with their child.

Once your child turns 3, they can register for Preschool 1 Classes.

Preschool Class Descriptions

Preschool Classes | Ages 3-5 years

Our preschool classes are taught without the assistance of parents as we introduce independent swimming skills. Preschool 1 and Preschool 2 are taught in our shallow water wading pool, this provides a comfortable and friendly learning environment for the beginner swimmer. Our Preschool 3 and Preschool 4 classes are moved over into the shallow end of the main pool, which offers more exploration of skills for these upper-level preschool swimmers.

Swim Lessons - Preschool Class 2022.jpg

Preschool 1 

Location: Wading Pool
Age: 3-5
Class size: 5
Class Time: 30 minutes  

Our preschool classes are taught without the assistance of parents as we introduce independent swimming skills. Preschool 1 and Preschool 2 are taught in our shallow water wading pool, this provides a comfortable and friendly learning environment for the beginner swimmer. Our Preschool 3 and Preschool 4 classes are moved over into the shallow end of the main pool, which offers more exploration of skills for these upper-level preschool swimmers.

Exit Assessment Skills:  

  • Blowing bubbles
  • 3 Bubble bobs
  • Front/back float with support
  • Front/back streamlining with support

If your child has passed all exit assessment skills above, they can be registered for the following level progression:  

  • Ages 3-5 years – Preschool 2
  • Ages 5-14 years – Youth 1
  • If your child did not pass their exit assessments, keep them in the current level
  • When registering new students to this level, please register them for 3-4 sessions, before advancing them to preschool 2

Preschool 2 

Location: Wading Pool
Age: 3-5
Class size: 5
Class Time: 30 minutes  

This class is our second level introductory class for preschool-aged participants. Students will be comfortable in the water, focusing on water safety and swimming skills. Students will be learning how to improve their blowing bubble skills, front and back floats, front crawl, and kick skills. They will also be introduced to bubble bobs (with a submerged nose, mouth, and eyes without the use of goggles), retrieving submerged items from the bottom of the pool, and streamlining without support.

Exit Assessment Skills:  

  • 8 Bubble bobs
  • Retrieve underwater objects
  • Front/back float 6 seconds without support
  • Front/back streamlining and kick without support

If your child has passed all exit assessment skills above, they can be registered for the following level progression:  

  • Ages 3-5 years – Preschool 3
  • Ages 5-14 years – Youth 1
  • If your child did not pass their exit assessments, keep them in the current level

Preschool 3

Location: Main Pool
Age: 3-5
Class size: 5
Class Time: 30 minutes  

This class Is an intermediate swimming class for preschool aged participants. Students will be improving water safety, swimming skills and being introduced to deeper water. Students will be learning how to improve their bubble bobs (with submerged nose, mouth, and eyes without the use of googles), front and back floats, front crawl and kick skills, streamlining, and submerged skills. They will be introduced to rolling from front float to back float, vertical to front recovery, rhythmic pop-up breathing, and how to tread water.

Exit Assessment Skills:

  • Retrieve underwater objects
  • Rhythmic breathing with kicks and support
  • Front crawl & elementary backstroke 5 yards
  • Front/back float 10 seconds

If your child has passed all exit assessment skills above, they can be registered for the following level progression:

  • Ages 3-4 years – Remain in Preschool 4
  • Ages 5-14 years – Youth 2
  • If your child did not pass their exit assessments, keep them in the current level

Preschool 4

Location: Main Pool
Age: 3-5
Class Size: 5
Class Time: 30 minutes

This class is our second level intermediate swimming class for preschool-aged participants. Students will continue building their water safety and swimming skills while also introducing swim strokes and rhythmic breathing. Students will learn how to improve their bobs, treading water, front and back floats, front crawl and kick skills, streamlining, and submerged skills. They will be introduced to gliding, front crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke, and rhythmic side breathing.

Exit Assessment Skills:

  • 15 Bubble bobs
  • Pop-up breathing while doing:
  • Front crawl 15 yards
  • Elementary backstroke 15 yards
  • Kickboard - breaststroke kick 10 yards
  • Kickboard - dolphin kick 10 yards
  • Dive/jump into the water and recover
  • Swim underwater 5 yards

If your child has passed all exit assessment skills above, they can be registered for the following level progression:  

  • Ages 3-5 years – Preschool 4
  • Ages 5-14 years – Youth 2
  • If your child did not pass their exit assessments, keep them in the current level

Youth Class Descriptions

Youth Classes | Ages 5-14 Years

Our youth classes are taught throughout our main pool. Youth 1 focuses on an introduction to swimming and works on gaining comfort in shallow water. Youth 2 and Youth 3 focus on gaining and retaining the skills of swimming, floating, diving, underwater swimming, and water safety in and around pools. Youth 4 is for those who can already swim. Students will work on stroke clean-up and refinement.

Swim Lesson - Youth Class 2022.jpg

Youth 1 

Location: Main Pool
Age: 5-14
Class Size: 5
Class Time: 30 minutes  

Our youth classes are taught throughout our main pool. Youth 1 focuses on an introduction to swimming and works on gaining comfort in shallow water. Youth 2 and Youth 3 focus on gaining and retaining the skills of swimming, floating, diving, underwater swimming, and water safety in and around pools. Youth 4 is for those who can already swim. Students will work on stroke clean-up and refinement.

Exit Assessment Skills:  

  • Roll over - front to back and back to front
  • 10 Bubble bobs
  • Retrieve underwater objects
  • Front/back float 6 seconds
  • Front crawl & elementary backstroke 5 yards each
  • Kickboard - front/back streamlining with kicks and pop-up breathing

If your child has passed all exit assessment skills above, they can be registered for the following level progression:  

  • Ages 5-14 years – Youth 2
  • If your child did not pass their exit assessments, keep them in the current level

Youth 2 

Location: Main Pool 
AGE: 5-14 
Class Size: 6 
Class Time: 30 minutes 

Description: This class is an intermediate swimming class, and students should already be comfortable in the water. This class prepares students to swim on their own and pass our Deep Water Swim Test allowing them to advance into lap swimming and stroke development. Students will be learning how to improve their blowing bubble skills, improve their front and back floats, streamlining, improve their front crawl and kick skills, and submerging skills. They will also be introduced to front crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke, rhythmic breathing, butterfly and breaststroke kicks, and treading water.  

Exit Assessment Skills: 

  • Front/back floats for 30 seconds

  • Kickboard - butterfly/breaststroke/freestyle kicks 10 yards each

  • Tread water for 30 seconds 

  • Rhythmic breathing with the body in the horizontal position 5 breaths 

  • Elementary backstroke 25 yards with pop-up breathing 

  • Deep Water Swim Test 

  • Dive/jump into the water and recover

  • Front crawl 25 yards with pop-up breathing

If your child has passed all exit assessment skills above, they can be registered for the following level progression

  • Ages 5-14 years – Youth 3 

  • If your child did not pass their exit assessments, keep them in the current level 

Youth 3

Location: Main Pool 
AGE: 5-14 
Class Size: 6 
Class Time: 30 minutes 

For Youth 3, participants must be able to lap swim without assistance before taking this level. A good indicator of their swimming ability is being able to pass our Deep Water Swim Test. Please visit page __ to see our Deep Water Swim Test description. 

This class is our second level intermediate swimming class and must be very comfortable in the water. This class will focus on stroke development and swimming endurance. Students will be learning how to improve their dives (shallow & deep), underwater swimming, treading water, freestyle, backstroke, and kicks. They will also be introduced to butterfly, breaststroke, flip turns, and lap swimming techniques.  

Exit Assessment Skills: 

  • Rhythmic/rotary breathing with the body in the horizontal position 

  • Stroke development 

  • Freestyle 50 yards 

  • Backstroke 50 yards 

  • Breaststroke 25 yards 

  • Butterfly 25 yards 

  • Use of flip turns while lap swimming 

  • Treading water for 1 minute 

If your child has passed all exit assessment skills above, they can be registered for the following level progression

  • Ages 5-6 years – Repeat Youth 3 

  • Ages 7-14 years – Youth 4 

  • If your child did not pass their exit assessments, keep them in the current level 

Youth 4 

Location: Main Pool 
AGE: 7-14 
Class Size: 8 
Class Time: 30 minutes 

This class is an advanced swimming class. Students must be able to swim multiple laps without assistance while showing rhythmic breathing and high endurance. This class is designed to prepare swimmers to join a swim team. Students will be learning how to improve their strokes (freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly), flip turns, lap swimming, deep water diving and retrieval (7+ feet), dive technique, and endurance water treading. This is the highest-level class offered, with an emphasis on endurance lap swimming. 

Exit Assessment Skills: 

  • Surface dive & retrieve an object at a depth of 7 feet 

  • Tread water for 2 minutes 

  • Flip turns while swimming 500 yards continuously 

  • Freestyle 100 yards 

  • Backstroke 100 yards 

  • Breaststroke 100 yards 

  • Butterfly 100 yards 

  • Stroke of choice 100 yards 

If your child has passed all exit assessment skills above, they can be registered for the following level progression: 

  • Ages 7-14 years – This is the end of our swim lesson progression; your child’s next step would be trying out for swim teams 

  • If your child did not pass their exit assessments, keep them in the current level 

Teen/Adult Class Descriptions

Teen/Adult Level 1

Location: Main Pool 
Age: 13+
Class Size: 6
Class Time: 30 minutes  

This class is an introductory swimming class for teens and adults ages 13 and older. Students will be getting introduced to the water with the goal to gain comfort in and out of the pool. Students will learn how to enter and exit the water safely, comfortably submerge their face in the water, float on their back and front, tread water, understand how to kick while pulling the water with their arms, and start the basic strokes of swimming like the front crawl and elementary backstroke.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn to float and streamline on your front and back
  • Explore alternating and simultaneous leg-kicking and arm-pulling motions
  • Attain skills for front crawl and elementary backstroke
  • Introduction to treading water
  • Acquire basic water safety skills

Exit Assessment Skills:  

  • Front/back floats for 30 seconds
  • Kickboard - butterfly/breaststroke/freestyle kicks 10 yards each
  • Tread water for 30 seconds
  • Rhythmic breathing with the body in horizontal position 5 breaths
  • Elementary backstroke 25 yards with pop-up breathing
  • Deep Water Swim Test
  • Dive/jump into the water and recover
  • Front crawl 25 yards with pop-up breathing

If you have passed all exit assessment skills above, please register for the Teen/Adult Level 2 Class

Teen/Adult Level 2

Location: Main Pool
Age: 13+
Class Size: 6
Class Time: 30 minutes  

 This class is an intermediate swimming class for teens and adults ages 13 and older. Students must pass the deep-water swim test and be very comfortable in the water, focusing on stroke development and swimming endurance. Students will be learning how to improve their dives (shallow & deep), underwater swimming, treading water, freestyle, backstroke, and kicks. They will also be introduced to butterfly, breaststroke, flip turns, and lap swimming techniques.

Learning Objectives:

  • Perform intermediate-level front crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke, and breaststroke
  • Refine efficient and effective strokes
  • Tread water for at least 1 minute
  • Increase swimming speed and distance ability
  • Develop fitness, swimming, and other aquatic goals with the instructor’s assistance 

Private Lessons

Private Swim Lessons  

Location: Main Pool
Age: 5+
Class Time: 30 minutes  

Are you looking for one-on-one instruction, with highly motivated and friendly instructors? Private Lessons might be right for you. Private lesson participants will review goals with instructor the first scheduled class. Please share your swimming goals with us, we are here to help!  

Two siblings of the close age and swimming ability may be registered for the same private lesson session. Please register the first child and call Loni at 425-587-3333 to register the second child. Both children will need to pay for the private lesson. 

2024 Aquatics Registration opens March 20, at 7:00 AM for Kirkland Residents / March 21 for Non-Residents. You can register online by going to www.KirklandParks.net or by calling the us at 425-587-3336

Recreation Guide - Swim Lessons Section

2025 Registration dates are coming soon! Please check at a future date for additional information. Thank you!