Rent an Athletic Field

A ball game at Everest Park.


Kirkland Parks and Community Services manages Athletic Field Use of more than 50 locations for both City of Kirkland and on behalf of most Lake Washington School District (LWSD) sites within Kirkland. (Note LWSD High School stadiums are managed by District staff on-site.)

Athletic Field Use generally requires a permit. Please read below for information about how to inquire about availability (first step) and apply (second step). To expedite the process, please thoroughly review the information below. 

When is a Field Use/Facility Use Permit Required?

A Field Use/Facility Use Permit is required for the reservation of an athletic field if the use is for reasons listed below:

  • Use is by a league or organization, company, or school
  • Organized social use such as a birthday party or picnic
  • If access on a specific date and time, or exclusive use is desired.
  • If user desires City staff services, like for a field prep.
  • Attendance is larger than 20 people
  • If hired services are an element of the use
  • High risk activities
  • For business purposes, involving sales, public advertising, or admissions
  • If user would like to request the ability to exceed park hours, noise levels, or other City ordinances.
  • If the desired gathering is of a scope beyond the normal use of a park.

If your athletic field reservation request is for a Special Event, Community Event, Film/Photography, or Block Party, please review the information on the Special Events page.

How Do I Reserve a Field or Apply for a Permit?

To reserve an athletic field, a Facility Use Permit is required.

Field users can either apply to be included in one of the three field allocation processes, or apply mid-season on a first come, first served basis for field available after allocations. Below are details for both Mid-Season requests followed by the allocations process. 

To be included in a seasonal field use allocation process:

Athletic Field Use Applications and all associated field use requirements are due by the deadline below. Please also see the "Athletic Field Allocation Process" and "Application Process Required Documents" sections for additional information. 

First Season: March 1 through July 31, plus summer camp field needs through August 31 

  • Applications are due by 8:00 a.m. December 2, 2024

Second Season: August 1 through October 31

  • Applications are due by 8:00 a.m. May 6, 2024

Third Season: November 1 2024 through February 28, 2025 

  • Applications are due by 8:00 am August 23 2024

For mid-season requests: 

  • First, inquire about athletic field availability by researching our athletic field inventory (see Athletic Field Inventory here) and email with a list of up to three specific parks and fields. In your email include your league, sport, age, and a list of specific dates and times desired. Note: 30 days in advance is required for new leagues and high risk uses; 8 days in advance for vetted leagues or social uses not requiring high risk activities. 
  • Second, if the field desired is not reserved, and you are a new league or social user, then complete and Athletic Field Use Application (see below) to get started. 

Application Types:

  • Athletic Field Use Application - if you are new league, social user
  • Mid-Season Athletic Field Use Application - if you are a vetted league

Note: Applications will be reviewed first-come, first-served within 10 business days from receipt, except during allocation periods. Application received after the allocation deadline but before allocations are completed, will be reviewed first come, first served after allocations are complete. 

If the field is available then complete an Athletic Field Use Application (see below) to get started. Applications are accepted throughout the year, with those who submit during our First and Second Season allocation process having the greatest opportunity for permitted access to Kirkland’s athletic fields. 

Athletic Field Allocation Process

The process of allocating field space considers many factors. Allocating field reservations is based on the Athletic Field Use Policy, starting with tier levels and appropriateness of use.  

Field use applicant priority consideration is as follows:

  1. First Tier
    1. City of Kirkland and LWSD programs and events*
  2. Second Tier (Local non-profit league use)
    1. Youth Recreational
    2. Youth Select
    3. Adult
  3. Third Tier (Non-local, non-profit league use)
    1. Youth Recreational
    2. Youth Select
    3. Adult
  4. Fourth Tier
  1. Non-profit youth clinics and camps
  2. For-profit organizations**

* Per the City-School Partnership Agreement between the City of Kirkland and Lake Washington School District, LWSD-sponsored programs have priority for the use of District-owned fields and athletic facilities. District programs and activities have the right to preempt other users upon giving advance notice, except in extraordinary circumstances when advance notice is not possible.

**For Profit Use of Lake Washington School District athletic facilities is possible only with School Board approval. A for-profit organization may enquire about availability at If space is available, District contact information will be provided to inquire further about how to begin the process of seeking School Board approval.

City-sponsored programs have priority for the use of City-owned fields and athletic facilities. City programs and activities have the right to preempt other users upon giving advance notice, except in extraordinary circumstances when advance notice is not possible.

While every effort will be made to schedule field use at the fields, times and dates requested, there is no guarantee all requests will be accommodated.

Other Considerations:

In additional to the tier levels, the Athletic Field Use Coordinator will consider applications based on:

  • Safety and appropriate use of fields
  • Diversity of sport, participant gender and age

There are no seasonal or field use priorities in order to allow flexibility and encourage trending, developing sports. Late applications will be considered after the allocation process is complete, on a first come, first-served basis.

Second Season 2024 is for field use beginning August 5th and through November 3rd. 

NEW! Third Season of Field Use!  The Third Season includes field use needs between November 4, 2024 and March 2, 2025.  

The Second Season 2024 Allocation Timeline is as follows:

  • April 12 (5:00 p.m.): Application Form for Second Season Field Use Goes Live
    • Staff are actively updating the existing Athletic Field Use Application Form. Please wait until after 5pm on April 12th to access and complete the new and updated version. 
  • May 6 (8:00 a.m.): League Application Form(s) and all Supporting Requirements are Due.*
  • July 1: Permits are issued to leagues that receive field time. All applicants who applied will be notified by email whether they received field time or not.
  • July 8 (8:00 a.m.): By this deadline, leagues issued field time must accept their permit assignments, release unneeded time, or request permit edits by emailing signed/edited permits to
  • July 22: Updated permits will be issued to leagues. The City will redistribute time returned by leagues to other existing allocation applicants.
  • July 26 (8:00 a.m.): By the deadline, leagues' final signed copies of updated permits are due. Leagues must accept their final permits by emailing their signed permits to
  • August 5: Season 2 Begins

* Applications received after the deadline will be handled once allocations are complete on a first-come, first-served basis. 

The Third Season 2024 Allocation Timeline is as follows:

  • August 1 (5:00 p.m.): Application Form for Third Season Field Use Goes Live
    • Staff are actively updating the existing Athletic Field Use Application Form. Please wait until after 5pm on July 1st to access and complete the new and updated version. 
  • August 23  (8:00 a.m.): League Application Form(s) and all Supporting Requirements are Due.*
  • October 1 : Permits are issued to leagues that receive field time. All applicants who applied will be notified by email whether they received field time or not.
  • October 7  (8:00 a.m.): By this deadline, leagues issued field time must accept their permit assignments, release unneeded time, or request permit edits by emailing signed/edited permits to
  • October 22 : Updated permits will be issued to leagues. The City will redistribute time returned by leagues to other existing allocation applicants.
  • October 28  (8:00 a.m.): By the deadline, leagues' final signed copies of updated permits are due. Leagues must accept their final permits by emailing their signed permits to
  • November 4: Season 3 Begins

* Applications received after the deadline will be handled once allocations are complete on a first-come, first-served basis. 

For use of an athletic field for a special event, please visit the City of Kirkland website for Special Events page for more information.

Tournament Request Period

Attracting Tournaments to the Community

The City is committed to attracting tournaments, which are a unique opportunity to showcase Kirkland and elevate the level of competition. We will carefully evaluate each opportunity with the goal of balancing local play while attracting out-of-town visitors, creating economic benefits that enrich our community and highlight what we have to offer.

Tournament Request Period

The tournament request period allows organizers to secure dates and plan marketing efforts for their events. This process enables organizers to submit their application separately from the standard allocation process, with submissions due in September for the upcoming year. Applicants will be notified of their status by early December.

Approved tournaments must complete a permit and pay applicable fees to finalize participation. If your application is not approved or if you wish to submit a request after the deadline, you can apply during the regular season allocation process for consideration.

How to Apply

Complete the Tournament Request Application for tournaments taking place January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025.

Tournament Request Application

Applications are due:                                  September 30, 2024, by 5:00 PM

Decision notification and next steps:      December 7, 2024

For questions please email

Facilities Available for Reservation

The City offers 55 Athletic Use Locations including 40 Lake Washington School District (LWSD) locations. Popular City of Kirkland athletic fields include:

123nd Square Park
Crestwoods Park
Everett Park
Juanita Beach Park
Lee Johnson Ballfield at Peter Kirk Park

A complete list of all athletic fields the City of Kirkland offers, their opening and closing dates, on-site amenities, and specifics limitations of use, is available here.

City-of-Kirkland-Athletic-Field-Inventory-Updated(PDF, 317KB)

Hours of availability vary per field are site/season specific and detailed within the Athletic Field Use Guidelines, "Hours of Availability" section (see link on right side of page)

Stadium reservations for Juanita High School and Lake Washington High School are available through the District. Please contact each school directly for more information.

Athletic Field Use Fees

2024 Rental fees are per hour, 2 hour minimum.
Rental fees are subject to change without notice.
*Turf fields rates are for Nov - Dec 2024 as well.

2024 Fee Schedule  (scroll down for 2025) 

 Premium Fields
Resident  Non-Resident
 Regular Rate $36 $42
 Non-Profit Rate $24 $26
 Class 1 Fields
Resident  Non-Resident
 Regular Rate $30 $36
 Non-Profit Rate $20 $24
 Class 2 Fields Resident Non-Resident
 Regular Rate  $27 $33
 Non-Profit Rate $17 $21
 Class 3 Fields
 Resident Non-Resident
 Regular Rate $22 $26.50
 Non-Profit Rate $12 $14.50
 132nd Square Fields 2 and 3* Resident  Non-Resident
 Regular Rate $65 $78
 Non-Profit Rate $40 $48
  Lakeview Elementary*
 Resident Non-Resident
 Regular Rate $42 $60
 Non-Profit Rate $35 $42
  Juanita and Lake Washington High School*  Resident Non-Resident
 Youth Rate $45 $60
 Adult Rate $80 $100
 Add-On Services Resident Non-Resident
 Game Prep Fee (Per Prep) $30 $36
 Tournament Game Fee (Per Game) $25 $30
 Lights (Per Hour) $25 $25


Athletic Field Use Fees for 2025 are posted below. Synthetic turf field, game prep and lighting fees will be updated soon.

 Premium Fields
Resident  Non-Resident
 Regular Rate $42 $51
 Non-Profit Rate $30 $32
 Class 1 Fields
Resident  Non-Resident
 Regular Rate $36 $42
 Non-Profit Rate $25 $30
 Class 2 Fields Resident Non-Resident
 Regular Rate  $33 $39
 Non-Profit Rate $22 $27
 Class 3 Fields
 Resident Non-Resident
 Regular Rate $25 $30
 Non-Profit Rate $15 $18
 132nd Square Fields 2 and 3* Resident  Non-Resident
 Regular Rate $65 $78
 Non-Profit Rate $40 $48
  Lakeview Elementary*
 Resident Non-Resident
 Regular Rate $42 $60
 Non-Profit Rate $35 $42
  Juanita and Lake Washington High School*  Resident Non-Resident
 Youth Rate TBD TBD
 Adult Rate TBD TBD
 Add-On Services Resident Non-Resident
 Game Prep Fee (Per Prep) $30 $36
 Tournament Game Fee (Per Game) $25 $30
 Lights (Per Hour) $25 $25

Free Play

Free Play • New! • Passive • Drop-in • Informal • Play

What Is the Free Play Program and Who Can Play?

Free Play is field time set aside for the community to enjoy passive, drop-in, and informal play outdoors. Free Play space is intended to be welcoming and to safely benefit multiple community members from a variety of households/neighborhoods at the same time. The Program is perfect for personal, casual, spontaneous use, like a mom and son tossing a ball, friends playing Ultimate Frisbee, or a family enjoying kickball.

Free Play Schedule

  • The program is offered from March through October for natural grass, and year-round for synthetic turf. 
  • No Free Play on holiday weekends.
FREE PLAY SCHEDULE August 10 through October 13* or  November 3, 2024
Weekdays Athletic Fields Hours
Mondays Highlands Park   4 PM to 8 PM or dusk, whichever comes first

132nd Sq Park Fields 2/3  6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Tuesday Everest Park Field 2 (8/20-10/14 only)  4 PM to 8 PM or dusk, whichever comes first
Wednesdays *Juanita Beach Park Field 1 (Field closes 10/14)  4 PM to 8 PM or dusk, whichever comes first
Thursdays Spinney Homestead Park  4 PM to 8 PM or dusk, whichever comes first
Fridays *Everest Park Field 4 (Field closes 10/14)  4 PM to 8 PM or dusk, whichever comes first

132nd Square Park Fields 2/3  6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
 Weekends Athletic Fields  Hours
Saturdays Terrace Park  1 PM to 4 PM
  *Crestwoods Park Field 4 (Field closes 10/14)  4 PM to 7 PM
Sundays Spinney Homestead Park  10 AM to 1 PM
  132nd Square Park Fields 2/3  2 PM to 5 PM
  Crestwoods Park Field 3  2 PM to 5 PM 
  Highlands Park  4 PM to 8 PM or dusk, whichever comes first

*This schedule is subject to change when necessary to accommodate new City programs.

Are Any Activities Not Allowed During Free Play?

  • Certain categories of uses are not and instead require a Facility Use Permit or a contract with the City to use a park.
    • Examples are business uses, like instructors serving clients for payment or for free (dog trainers, personal trainers), and league/team use (one on one coaching, team players practicing with or without a coach, etc.). 
  • Groups/clubs which are organized, and/or repetitive, and/or large are also not permissible.
    • Examples are running clubs, Ultimate Frisbee/Soccer clubs, etc.
  • Unsafe, high-risk, damaging activities are also not allowed.
    • Examples of high-risk activities include golf, archery, remote control activities, laser tag, Bubble Soccer, etc.
    • Examples of damaging activities are digging, stakes that may penetrate irrigation, paint, etc.
  • On Synthetic Turf fields, dogs, metal cleats, glass, seeds, stakes, and gum are not allowed.

Thank You & Questions

  • We appreciate your cooperation to make this new program a success and hope you enjoy this new opportunity to get outdoors and be active!

NEW - Mid Season Athletic Field Use and Social Use Application Form Links

There are a variety of processes to apply for field use depending on the type of use you are seeking.  As such, we’ve created a new separate application form for leagues to request mid-season field use and social use application form. These applications are shorter and quicker to complete and do not initially require any additional documentation/requirements

New – Mid Season Athletic Field Use Application Form for Organized Leagues

Leagues must first complete the full Athletic Field Use initial application process annually, which calls for supporting requirements to be submitted and approved by staff. When that first application is approved, a league will be notified by staff of their “vetted” status, which is a status that carries through the season. 

Mid-season, after the regular season allocation process is complete, those vetted leagues wanting to request additional field space may request new uses by submitting a Mid Season Athletic Field Use Application Form*. The Mid-Season Athletic Field Use Application Form is a quicker process for applicants as it does not require uploading supporting documents already on file with the City.

Social Use of Athletic Fields and Facilities 

Individuals, offices, schools, and groups wanting to use an athletic field or facility for a social gathering may complete the Social Athletic Field Use Application Form. This application is generally intended for one-time occasions. Call (425) 587-3330 with any questions.

*Mid-season Athletic Field Use Application Form

**Social Athletic Field Use Application Form (Link available starting 12/1/23)

Application Process and Required Documents

Step 2.Gather required documents

To complete the application process, the following documents will be required by leagues and organizations.  You are encouraged to prepare the documents in advance of filling out the application.  The application requirements are the same for games, practices, tournaments, and other bookings.

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Street Address
  4. City
  5. Zip Code
  6. School of Attendance

Step 3.Complete the application

Complete the Athletic Field Use Application
Use above link for field dates between 8/4/24 & 11/3/24.

Complete the Third Season Athletic Field Use Application
Use above link for field dates between 11/4/24 & 3/2/25.

Applications for the Third Season are due on 8:00 a.m. on  August 23, 2024. Applications received after deadline are considered first come, first served once allocations are complete. 

Step 4.We will contact you

The following timeline applies to Third Season 2024 allocation process:

  • August 23 (8:00 a.m.): League Application Form(s) and all Supporting Requirements are Due.*
  • October 1: Permits are issued to leagues that receive field time. All applicants who applied will be notified by email whether they received field time or not.
  • October 7 (8:00 a.m.): By this deadline, leagues issued field time must accept their permit assignments, release unneeded time, or request permit edits by emailing signed/edited permits to
  • October 22: Updated permits will be issued to leagues. The City will redistribute time returned by leagues to other existing allocation applicants.
  • October 28 (8:00 a.m.): By the deadline, leagues' final signed copies of updated permits are due. Leagues must accept their final permits by emailing their signed permits to
  • November 4: Season 3 Begins

*Applications received after the deadline will be handled once allocations are complete on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Outside of the allocation period, once an application and all supporting documents have been received, staff will review applications and respond within 5 business days from receipt.