The Growth Management Act (GMA) encourages urban planning approaches that concentrate growth in urban areas to allow efficient provision of services, reduce sprawl, promote physical activity, and support transportation choices. Vision 2050 is the regional strategy for meeting GMA goals. Vision 2050 sets an overarching goal of creating healthy, walkable, compact, and equitable transit-oriented communities that maintain unique character and local culture, while conserving rural areas and creating and preserving open space and natural areas. It also requires communities to develop strategies, programs, and projects that address nonmotorized travel as a safe and efficient transportation option.
10 Minute Neighborhoods have two important components - good destinations and good access. The policy discussion introduces a third component – people. Walkable places have a population base of residents and employees who use the amenities. This reciprocal relationship can be seen in Kirkland’s mixed use commercial neighborhoods like Downtown, Village at Totem Lake, and Juanita Village – areas that are highly walkable and have a population base that supports the destinations.