How To Participate In A Design Review Board Meeting

How To Participate in A Public Meeting

 Follow these steps:

1. In the Public Notice (either posted on the large white sign erected on the subject property, posted on the bulletin board at City hall, or the publishing notice in the Seattle Times) make a note of date of the public meeting.

2. You may participate in the public meeting in either or both of the following ways: • Submitting written comments to the Design Review Board either by:

  • Delivering these comments to the Kirkland Planning Department, 123 5th Avenue, Kirkland 98033, by the date of the public meeting; or
  • Give your written comments directly to the Design Review Board at the public meeting. The Planning and Building Department encourages you to submit any written comments at least eight (8) days before the public meeting date so they will be able to receive and read the comments prior to the meeting.
  • Appear in person, or through a representative, at the public meeting and giving oral comments directly to the Design Review Board.

3.  Please note that the Design Review Board’s authority is limited to matters related to project design and does not include such issues as traffic or private views.

To find out more:

1. Contact the planner whose name and telephone number appears on the public notice and/or;

2. Come to the Kirkland Planning and Building Department between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and request to see the project file (the project file number is noted in the public notice). The file will contain proposed site plans and building elevations (if applicable) and other information.

3. You may also access information through (MBP).

Should you have additional questions, please contact the Planning and Building Department at 425-587-3600.