Kirkland as we see it today looks different than it looked 20 years ago and it will look different 20 years from now. Growth of the City has been shaped by a history of thoughtful planning for the future. The key to envisioning the best possible future for the City is robust and inclusive community engagement around the policies and regulations that will shape that future.
The information below will connect you to current projects that are updating the policies and regulations guiding future growth. You can also explore recently completed projects and learn more about Kirkland 2035, the community's 20 year plan for the future.
The following projects are part of the Planning Work Program approved by the City Council.
A new plan for development, open space, and mobility connections near the planned Bus Rapid Transit station at NE 85th St & I-405.
Learn about current Community-Initiated Amendment Requests (CARs) and how to apply
Code amendments to Kirkland Zoning Code Chapter 95, the city-wide tree code.
View current and past neighborhood plan updates.
Analysis to represent a thorough and comprehensive evaluation of a future Tax Increment Financing program and establishment of a Tax Increment Area.
Kirkland's Comprehensive Plan is a statement of the kind of community Kirkland wants to become, envisioned by those who live, work, recreate and visit here. This statement is set forth in a guiding policy document that describes how Kirkland will manage job and population growth and provide necessary services and facilities to support that growth over a 20-year planning horizon.
Learn about the City's plans to use technology to foster sustainability, equity, and livability.
City Council adopted an emergency ordinance (O-4870) on February 6, 2024, establishing a moratorium on the issuance of permits for development of new dwelling units on Goat Hill.
King County Lake Swimming Beach Data Program