Kingsgate Neighborhood Plan Update

Neighborhood Plan Update Logo.png

Planning For Kingsgate

Beginning in 2023, Planning and Building Department staff in coordination with the residential and businesses communities in the Kingsgate Neighborhood(PDF, 537KB)  is conducting an update of the Kingsgate Neighborhood Plan chapter in the Kirkland Comprehensive Plan. The update includes an extensive community engagement process including formation of a Kingsgate Working Group, study sessions with the Planning Commission, as well as community-based outreach events. Final adoption of the updated Plan is anticipated at the end of 2024 in conjunction with other citywide amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. See the Kingsgate Neighborhood Plan Update Framework(PDF, 813KB) document for an in-depth outline of the Plan update.

June 2024 Updates and Announcements:
  • Save The Date! The Neighborhood Plan Update public hearing has been continued to July 11, 2024 at 7 PM at Kirkland City Hall.  
    • Kingsgate Public Comments received between August 2023 and now can be found within the Kingsgate Public Comment Document(PDF, 2MB). Comments received after July 2, 2024 will be provided to the Planning Commission prior to the public hearing and compiled and posted on the Kingsgate Neighborhood Plan Update project webpages after the hearing.

  • Draft Kingsgate Neighborhood Plan - The Kingsgate Neighborhood Plan Update public hearing was held on May 23, 2024. Visit the Planning Commission webpage to watch the recording of the entire meeting. At this meeting, the Planning Commission voted to continue the public hearing to July 11, 2024, keeping the record open for written comments. The Draft Kingsgate Neighborhood Plan can be found at the link below:


Your input is important to the City of Kirkland and we highly encourage you to participate in the plan update process. Please attend the upcoming meetings, tell your friends and family about the update, and provide your written comments to the project planner through our Public Comment Form.

Plan Update Process

Outreach and Engagement

Beginning in 2023 and extending into May of 2024, staff conducted a robust public outreach process to solicit input on revisions to the plan which included public workshops, issuance of a community survey, and attendance at neighborhood and citywide events. See the Kingsgate Neighborhood Plan Update Framework(PDF, 813KB) document which includes our community outreach and engagement plan. A Kingsgate Working Group convened several times throughout the plan drafting process to work with staff on revising the vision statement and policies to better align with the current and future challenges, desires, and opportunities that will present themselves as Juanita continues to grow.

Public Hearing and Final Adoption

The Kingsgate Neighborhood Plan Update public hearing was held on May 23, 2024. Visit the Planning Commission webpage to watch the recording of the entire meeting. At this meeting, the Planning Commission voted to continue the public hearing to July 11, 2024, keeping the record open for written comments. The Draft Kingsgate Neighborhood Plan can be found at the link below:

Stay Involved

There are currently several ways to continue the conversation for Kingsgate's future: 

  • Sign up for the Kingsgate Neighborhood Plan update email list - To sign up for Kingsgate Neighborhood Plan email updates, click here. This email group will keep you updated during each phase of the Plan update.

  • Submit thoughts and comments to the City - What do you envision for the future of Kingsgate? Submit a comment to us using this Public Comment Form and let us know about your ideas. These comments will be reviewed by Planning Commission ahead of the July 11, 2024 public hearing.

  • Ask Questions - Contact project lead LeAndra Baker-Lewis ( or 425-587-3265) with any questions.

(updated June 2024)


Meeting Information

Visit the Planning Commission and City Council agenda pages to view past meeting materials dates listed below.

Planning Commission

Visit the Planning Commission Video Archives page to access video recordings of past meetings.

August 24, 2023Planning Commission Meeting Packet(PDF, 15MB) - Presentation(PDF, 3MB)
January 25, 2024Planning Commission Meeting Packet(PDF, 2MB) - Presentation(PDF, 8MB)
April 11, 2024Planning Commission Meeting Packet(PDF, 1000KB) - Presentation(PDF, 4MB)
May 23, 2024:Planning Commission Meeting Packet(PDF, 34MB)-Presentation(PDF, 2MB)

The next meeting with the Planning Commission is the Neighborhood Plan public hearing, scheduled for July 11, 2024.

City Council

Visit the City Council video archive page to view recordings of past meetings. 

October 3, 2023City Council Meeting Packet(PDF, 9MB) - Presentation(PDF, 2MB)
February 20, 2024City Council Meeting Packet(PDF, 9MB) - Presentation(PDF, 3MB)