Moss Bay Neighborhood Plan Update

Submissions closed on January 01, 0001, 12:00 AM

Kirkland Urban Retail.JPG


In 2021, Planning Department staff in coordination with the community and businesses in the Moss Bay Neighborhood(PDF, 2MB) updated the Moss Bay Neighborhood Plan chapter in the Kirkland Comprehensive Plan. The revised Moss Bay Neighborhood Plan (O-4774) was adopted by City Council on December 14, 2021. The revised Plan incorporates policies that support the consolidated plan for the Greater Downtown Urban Center(PDF, 17MB) (designated in the King County Countywide Planning Policies in 2019) and transit oriented development planned in the soon to be adopted NE 85th Street Station Area Plan. The Moss Bay-Everest Neighborhood Plan Update Framework(PDF, 296KB) document describes the scope of work, process, public outreach plan, Moss Bay Working Group and schedule that was used for the neighborhood plan update process review. Simultaneously, the Everest Neighborhood Plan was updated and community engagement activities were combined.

  • A Neighborhood Plan Survey was conducted. Survey results are available in the Moss Bay Survey Results Summary.(PDF, 404KB)
  • On June 14, 2021, a virtual workshop was held to gather information about participant’s future vision, priorities, challenges and opportunities for the Moss Bay Neighborhood Plan. Workshop comments are available in the Moss Bay Workshop Results document(PDF, 308KB).  Below is the Moss Bay visioning “wordle” participants created at the workshop.

Moss Bay Workshop Wordle 0614-21

 Visit the Planning Commission and City Council agenda pages to view meeting materials for each meeting.



September 23, 2021 Planning Commission held a public hearing on the draft Plan

August 26, 2021 Planning Commission agenda. Meeting packet materials.

April 8, 2021 Planning Commission meeting packet 

City Council

December 14, 2021 City Council adopted the final Plan (O-4774)

November 3, 2021 City Council was briefed on the draft Plan

April 20, 2021 City Council meeting packet



What is the Process?

A working group will be formed to work with staff on updating the Moss Bay Neighborhood Plan which will include revisiting the vision statement and policies to determine if they are relevant for the change of the area over time. People interested in participating in the working group should contact staff. A robust public outreach process will solicit input on revisions to the plan including public workshops, a survey and other opportunities (stay tuned for dates). The community will have an opportunity to comment on the draft plans prior to the public hearing before the Planning Commission and final adoption by City Council by the end of 2021. See timeline for key steps and timing.


How to Get Involved?

Your input on the proposed amendments is encouraged.  Please attend the upcoming meetings or provide your written comments. To receive project updates, check this page, or contact the project planner for more information. Thank you for being engaged in your community!