The following is intended to be a guide to Arborist Reports prepared for development projects where a Tree Retention Plan is required pursuant to KZC 95.30. The City recommends including all of the following components to avoid corrections and revisions. Please note that Arborist Reports will not be accepted if the most recent site plans have not been reviewed.
The Summary Section of the arborist report should include the total number of trees assessed and of those trees, the number of trees proposed for retention versus removal. The number of 'Not Viable' trees should also be mentioned. If development plans were not reviewed this should be noted as well.
Observations & Discussion of Development Impacts
Existing Site Conditions: This section should describe existing site conditions such as the site address, square footage of the lot, existing conditions/structures, level of invasive species, and/or existence of critical areas.
Proposed Plans: Reference to the plans reviewed during the evaluation, including the title, author, and date of the plans reviewed.
Tree Information: This section should include all relative tree information and required components per KZC 95.30(3). It should also include a discussion of how the proposed development impacts existing trees located on the subject property, in the public right-of-way, and on neighboring properties. A summary of these requirements is included below.
Tree Inventory: Include a Tree Inventory (or reference to attached Tree Table). See Example Tree Inventory Table(PDF, 292KB) . The following information must be included, either in the body of the report or in the associated attachments:
1) All existing regulated trees on the subject property identified by a numbering system that is consistent throughout the Arborist Report, site plan and onsite tree tags. The inventory must also include regulated trees that are on adjacent properties that appear to have CRZs extending onto the subject property;
2) Identification of all existing trees in the public right-of-way adjacent to the subject property, regardless of tree size;
3) The CRZ and the proposed TPZ of all existing regulated trees specified in feet from the face of each tree trunk. The inventory must also include the approximate CRZ and proposed TPZ of regulated trees on adjoining properties that appear to have CRZs extending onto the subject property;
4) DBH of all existing regulated trees;
5) Proposed tree removals;
6) Viability status of each regulated tree based on the combined condition ratings pursuant to KZC 95.30(3)(c);
7) Tree species and/or common name; and
8) Potential Landmark Trees and Groves.
9) Tree Density Credits (TDC) for all Viable and Retained trees per KZC 95.34
Tree Viability: A combined overall viability status based on the condition ratings of both health and structure for each regulated tree, including regulated trees on adjoining properties that appear to have CRZs extending onto the subject property. The condition ratings for each regulated tree shall be assessed using the criteria in KZC 95.30(3)(c).
When a tree is determined to be Not Viable, a description of the reason(s) for this rating must be provided.
Tree Protection Zone (TPZ): A description of the method(s) used to determine TPZs (i.e., CRZ formula, trunk multiplication method, dripline, exploratory root excavations, or a case-by-case basis description for individual trees).
Tree Protection Specifications: Any special instructions specifically outlining any work proposed within the CRZ of retained trees (i.e., additional protection from soil compaction, hand-digging, tunneling or boring, root pruning, mitigating any grade changes, monitoring during development activity, watering during summer and aftercare), including potentially impacted trees on adjacent properties,
High Retention Value Trees: If development proposals result in the retention and/or removal of High Retention Value Trees (including Landmark Trees and Groves) provide an explanation of how tree retention was prioritized based on retention feasibility and proposed construction impacts,
Tree Protection Measures: A discussion of timing and installation of tree protection measures that must include fencing in accordance with the tree protection standards in KZC 95.32, including any anticipated changes to tree protection fence location or other activity within the CRZ of retained trees during project construction (e.g., material delivery, equipment access, landscaping),
Tree Removal Impacts: Describe the impact of necessary tree removal on the trees to be retained, including those on adjacent properties,
Supplemental/Replacement Trees: The suggested location and species of replacement trees to be planted. The report shall include planting and maintenance specifications pursuant to KZC 95.50, 95.51, and 95.52.