Animal Control

If you have an animal control emergency, or need immediate assistance call 9-1-1.  Dispatchers will notify Kirkland Animal Control, and our Animal Control Officer or another police officer will be immediately notified and dispatched.

For wildlife complaints or inquires (raccoons, coyotes, bears or other), follow the instructions on our Wildlife Issues page.

A list of animal regulations can be found in the Kirkland Municipal Code under Section 8.

Information about Animals in Kirkland residential zones can be found here Animals in Residential Zones


Animal Cruelty & Neglect

If you suspect an animal is in immediate danger call 9-1-1.

Laws regarding Animal cruelty and neglect are outlined in KMC 8.09.440.

It is unlawful for any person to: 

  • Willfully and cruelly injure or kill any animals by any means causing it fright or pain.
  • Fail to provide an animal with necessary food, water, shelter, rest, sanitation, ventilation, space or medical attention. 
  • Abandon by dropping off or leaving the animal on the street, road or highway or in any other public place or on the private property of someone else.

If a law enforcement officer or the Animal Control Officer has probable cause to believe that an owner of any animal has committed animal cruelty, the officer may authorize, with a warrant, the seizure and removal of the animal to a suitable place for feeding and care. An animal may be seized and removed without a warrant only if the animal is in an immediate life-threatening condition.

If you are concerned with the welfare of an animal, contact Animal Services at  425-577-5656.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can be done about barking dogs?

We encourage neighbors to speak to each other and try to work out the problem before involving the Animal Control Officer. If that will not work, or the situation seems unsafe, call the non-emergency line 425-577-5656 to request an officer. For more information see KMC 8.09.400

What are the rules for off-leash dogs?

All dogs within the City limits are required to be on a leash (as defined in Kirkland Municipal Code Section 8.09.120) when they are off the property where they live with the exception of areas that have been designated by the City as “off-leash” areas. For more information see KMC 8.09.500

How are vicious or dangerous animals handled?

A vicious animal is defined as an animal that endangers the safety of any person or domestic animal by biting or attacking without provocation. If the animal control officer receives a report of a vicious animal, the ACO will immediately investigate by interviewing the complainant(s), interviewing the owner of the animal, if known, and observing the animal. When the officer completes the investigation, if the animal is declared vicious, the officer shall prepare a declaration of vicious animal. For more information see KMC 8.09.480

A dangerous dog means any dog that, according to the records of the animal control authority (A) inflicts severe injury on a human being without provocation on public or private property; (B) kills a domestic animal without provocation while the dog is off the owner’s property; or (C) has been previously found to be potentially dangerous. For more see 8.09.120.

For more information on dangerous dogs see 8.09.4708.09.4728.09.4748.09.476

Notice of Appeals Form(DOCX, 36KB)

What happens if a dog bites someone or bites another animal?

Any animal that bites a person shall be reported within twenty-four hours by the owner or person in charge of the animal by emailing Animal Control Officer Hunter Woldseth or calling Kirkland Animal Control at 425-577-5656 .

At the discretion of the Animal Control Officer, the animal may be quarantined for a period of up to ten days either at the owner’s property, the Everett shelter or, at the owner’s option and expense, in a veterinary hospital of the owner’s choice. When an animal’s owner is unknown, the animal will be quarantined at the Everett shelter or at a veterinary hospital designated by the animal control authority.

Any owner or person in charge of any animal who fails to report an animal bite as required will be guilty of a misdemeanor and, if convicted, may be sentenced to a fine of not more than one thousand dollars and/or ninety days in jail. For more information see KMC 8.09.504

Are dogs allowed in Kirkland parks?

In order to preserve each of Kirkland’s unique and varied park environments, park visitors are asked to cooperate with our City of Kirkland Municipal Code when bringing pets into Kirkland parks (section 11.80.060).

  • It is unlawful for any person to allow or permit any pet to run at large.
  • All dogs must be under leash at all times (run areas are not provided within our park system).
  • Any person in possession of a pet in the park shall be responsible for both the conduct of the animal and for removing from any park, feces deposited by the animal.
  • The Park Director or designee may ban pets from any area of the park where it is determined they may be a nuisance.


Pets are not allowed in these parks:
- McAuliffe Park
- Tot Lot Park
- Ohde Avenue Pea Patch

Pets are not allowed in designated swimming areas at:
- Houghton Beach Park
- Waverly Beach
- Park Juanita Beach Park

Pets are not allowed in the Juanita Bay Wetlands. 

How many dogs or cats are allowed in a household?

Kirkland Zoning code 115.20 (2c) defines the maximum number of adult animals per dwelling unit as:

  1. Three (3) dogs or
  2. Three (3) cats or
  3. A total of four (4) dogs and cats.
  4. Four (4) rabbits. (Rabbits are not required to be licensed) 

What are the rules regarding animal waste?

Pet owners, as well as those who have pets under their control (such as dog walkers), always need to have an appropriately sized bag or other means of removing animal feces when accompanying the pet on public property or the private property of another.

Animal feces must be removed from public property or the private property of another before leaving the immediate area.

Animal feces must not accumulate in any open private area, run, pen, shelter, or yard where animals are kept. Failure to remove and properly dispose of animal feces from such areas at least once every twenty-four hours can cause polluted drainage waters to enter the surface or storm water system of the City. A person who violates this provision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. For more information see KMC 8.09.508

What are the hours of Animal Control?

Kirkland’s Animal Control Officer works during normal business hours, however there will always be someone who responds to animal emergency calls, either the Animal Control Officer or patrol staff.