Found a Pet
To report stray animals or if you have found a pet with a Kirkland license tag, please contact Kirkland Animal Control by calling 425-577-5656 (non-emergency police dispatch center).
Lost a Pet
If Kirkland’s Animal Control Officer finds your pet, and your pet is wearing a current license tag on its collar, the Animal Control Officer will contact you. If another resident finds your pet with its license tag, they may call the phone number on the license tag and the Animal Control Officer will contact you and facilitate reuniting you with your pet. If our Animal Control Officer is unable to reach you, your pet may be taken to the Everett Animal Shelter.
Everett Animal Shelter staff will contact owners of animals wearing traceable identification, such as a pet license or microchip. If your pet has been lost, the City of Kirkland recommends that you visit the Everett Animal Shelter’s “Lost and Found Pets” web page to report and/or look for your pet. All Lost Pet Reports that are submitted will be printed and placed in Everett Animal Shelter’s “Lost Pet Book” on-site at the shelter. We recommend you check this website every day. Pet owners may also visit the shelter and look through the “Strays in the Shelter book” and look through the “Found Pets not at the shelter book.” The Everett Animal Shelter holds stray animals for 72 hours to allow owners an opportunity to find their lost pets, before they are made available for adoption. The phone number to the Everett Animal Shelter is 425-257-6000. You may also contact Kirkland Animal Control at 425-577-5656 regarding your pet.
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