Information about Concealed Pistol Licenses and Firearms Dealer Licenses.
Information about fingerprinting services.
Information about property being held for safekeeping, lost and found property, and property held as evidence.
Additional Links
You may obtain a clearance letter at the Records Division of the Kirkland Police Department. The hours are Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. We will ask for picture ID, and conduct a records check for criminal history within the City of Kirkland only. There is no fee for this service. If you need a statewide records check, please contact the Washington State Patrol at 425-649-4370.
Please provide copies of the INS request for these records to the Records Division of the Kirkland Police Department. We will retain a copy of this paperwork and send it with copies of your arrest record(s) directly to the INS. If you do not have your INS paperwork available, you will be asked to complete a Request for Disclosure Form. We will respond to your request for arrest records within 5 business days.
As a general rule, we do not respond to persons having locked themselves out of their vehicles. Officers are not allowed to use "slim jims" or "flat bars." The best persons to call in such cases are a friend with a key, a tow truck (they often carry "slim jims"), a locksmith or an emergency auto service provider. We will only respond to a locked vehicle in those cases where a small child is locked in the vehicle or where some other threat to a person exists.
For impromptu Expressive Events (i.e., free speech events such as candlelight vigils) intended to be held on public property on an evening or weekend and for which advance coordination with the City for permitting is not feasible, we ask that the event organizer notify the City by contacting the Kirkland Police Department non-emergency number at 425-577-5656.
Road Issues For reporting road issues such as traffic signals, street signs, potholes etc. Please contact the City of Kirkland Public Works, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 425-587-3900. Water Issues Please report water issues to the City of Kirkland Public Works by calling 425-587-3900 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Examples:
King County Lake Swimming Beach Data Program