The Kirkland Police Department provides fingerprinting service for Kirkland residents applying for concealed pistol licenses. Fingerprint services are by appointment Wednesdays 8:00 AM - 11:45 AM and Saturdays 11:00 PM - 12:45 PM and 2:00 pm - 3:45 PM. If you are a Kirkland resident and would like to schedule a CPL fingerprint appointment please call 425-587-3400.
The Kirkland Police Department also accepts 3rd party fingerprints for CPLs from Bellevue Fingerprinting Services.
Fingerprinting services for employment purposes can be obtained privately by searching "Fingerprinting Services Kirkland Washington."
Does the Police Department fingerprint children ? Because we do not have the equipment necessary to fingerprint small children, we are unable to provide this service. Services are provided, however, by Family and Friends of Missing Persons and Violent Crimes, phone 206-362-1081.
King County Lake Swimming Beach Data Program