(Jan, 2025) -- This project is long since complete, but is still receiving awards and recognition for the design/function and transformation that this park underwent.
(July 6) -- Grand re-opening occurring on Saturday, July 15th from noon-3:00 p.m.
(April 26) -- The hydroseeded grass is growing, and progress continues to be made on the park playground, bathrooms, picnic shelters, etc. Expect to spend this summer exploring all the new features of this fantastic park. Information on park opening coming soon.
(Mar 23) -- The Kirkland City Council and Park Board will be touring the nearly complete construction site on April 1, 2023 beginning at 1pm. This is an open public meeting and the public is encouraged to attend.
(Jan. 27) - The artwork is being installed today!
(Jan. 20) -- The contractor will begin working Saturdays, between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., starting January 21. Work will occur at the park site Monday-Saturday until the park is complete.
(Dec. 29) -- The completion date for the 132nd Square Park has been set for spring. This time frame will allow the asphalt parking lot to be properly installed (in the proper temperatures) and the landscape hydroseed will be able to germinate without sprouting and dying due to freezing conditions. The project work elements are all closely intertwined with the weather, but progress is being made every day.
(Sept 1) -- The City and our contractor have recently agreed on the number of days that the exceptionally wet winter/spring have added to the contract, since the moisture in the soil affected leveling and in-ground work throughout the site. These are contractual requirements stipulated in the original contract documents for uncontrollable weather events that has directly impacted work. This pushes the completion of the park past the initially anticipated reopening schedule of mid-September. The park will be open at the soonest possible date, but definitely by the end of the year.
(May 27) -- The restroom building is taking shape in the middle of the park, and the black poles you see around the field are for the multi-use field fencing. The stormwater system, the impetus for this project, will soon be back-filled to be a firm and unyielding subsurface for the athletic field, and in the coming months the installation of the synthetic turf is scheduled to begin. The construction is expected to be complete this summer, likely in late September.
(Apr 21) -- Our contractor will be working in NE 132nd Street starting Monday, April 25 to build a new waterline to serve the park. Woodinville Water will contact those who's water service will be impacted.
(Mar 16) -- A project update was provided at the Evergreen Hill Neighborhood Association meeting.
(Oct 8) -- The construction zone will expand again to close access to the playground from the neighborhood on Wednesday, October 13th. The outfield of the softball field remains available to residents throughout construction.
(Oct 5) -- City Council approved the design for the project artwork titled "Individually We Transform ... Together We Soar"(PDF, 1MB) by Cobalt Designworks.
(Aug 6) -- Construction activity will continue during the weekend at 132nd Square Park as the contractor works to maintain the construction schedule that will bring the surface water facility online by the end of the year.
(June 28) -- Construction is underway!
(June 25) --Construction is scheduled to begin on Monday, June 28! Project Update flyers were mailed to over 4000 addresses around the park, and a construction sign will be installed next week. Residents looking for open space can visit the grassy parcel located between 135th Place NE and 136th Place NE along NE 132nd Street.
(June 1) -- City Council awarded the construction contract, and elected to include the two additional picnic shelters, dugout covers at the new multi-use field, and concrete pathways and plaza. Construction is expected to begin in late June or early July.
(May 19) -- City staff presented at the Evergreen Hill Neighborhood Association meeting.
(Mar. 17) -- City staff presented at the Evergreen Hill Neighborhood Association meeting.
(Oct. 27) --The 132nd Square Park Master Plan that the Kirkland City Council approved in November 2019 will become a construction project in winter 2021. The City expects complete construction by spring 2022.