A City of Kirkland project will construct a safe crossing for pedestrians and bicyclists at 132nd Avenue Northeast to connect the north-end section of Kirkland's Cross Kirkland Corridor with King County's Eastrail. The project has received multiple grant awards, and is designed to provide an enhanced pedestrian and bicycle crosswalk signal, pedestrian refuge island, buffered bike lanes, and new right-turn signal for westbound to northbound vehicles at the intersection of Northeast 124th Street to 132nd Avenue Northeast.
This is an example of the type of signalized crosswalk Kirkland will install on 132nd Avenue Northeast, including pedestrian refuge island between northbound and southbound travel lanes.

The Eastrail is the 42-mile multi-use corridor that connects Kirkland with the cities of Renton, Bellevue, Redmond, Woodinville, and Snohomish. Converted from a former rail line, the Eastrail will provide new opportunities for non-motorized travel and other amenities spanning the Eastside once improvements to it are fully complete. The section of the Eastrail the connects Kirkland to Woodinville completed construction in 2022, and this crossing improvement is a key safety investment to connect Kirkland's Cross Kirkland Corridor to the Eastrail segment.
Previous Weekly Updates
(Feb. 20, 2025) --Award of the construction contract is heading to Council for approval in March. Next steps are contract administration and pre-construction process.
(Dec. 19, 2024) -- This project will go out for construction bids beginning December 31st, with and anticipated bid opening date of January 23. Construction is expected to begin this Spring with the enhanced pedestrian and bicycle crosswalk operational by the end of 2025.
(July 6, 2024) -- State funding transfer process is in progress. This project will advertise for construction bids in Fall, 2024 with construction complete by year end 2025.
(Aug. 30, 2023) -- This project is currently in design, and is expected to be constructed by end of year 2024.