Landscape Median Updates

This project includes irrigation modifications and installation of approximately 315 square yards of decorative stamped concrete along several medians located along both Central Way and Market Street.  These improvements will help to lower maintenance costs, improve safety for maintenance crews, and allow staff to reallocate work hours to other maintenance tasks.  Existing signage will also be updated, and medians with existing trees in this project will receive topsoil and a cohesive top-dressing.

Image of the construction sign for the landscape median retrofit pilot project showing vicinity map, funding, and contact information

What does the decorative concrete stamp look like?

A demonstration was cast at the Public Works Maintenance facility.  This is what it looks like.  In addition to this project, a separate construction project downtown will update medians, expanding them to reach the crosswalks nearby, include this standard to tie the improvements together.

An image showing the pnw feel stamped concrete which looks similar in size and structure to cobblestone

The project plans are included on this webpage as a link to the pdf.  

Are any trees being removed?

No, this project does not remove trees from any medians receiving the treatment. Two medians on Central way have existing trees (at Peter Kirk Park, and between 3rd Street and 2nd Street) which are protected in the plans and will remain (baring a discovery regarding the health of the tree or an accident).  

Center median's receiving updates - inc. aerial images

Central Way between 5th Street and 4th Street

Median being updated on Central between 5th st and 4th st.JPG

Central Way between 4th Street and 3rd Street

An aerial image showing the median on central between 4th st and 3rd st that is marked up to include some street signs

Central Way between 3rd street and 2nd Place

Median being updated on Central between 3rd st and 2nd st.JPG

Central Way between 1st Street and Market Street

This location will also have median work associated with a separate pedestrian safety project that is grant funded and headed into construction as well.  Additionally, the Central Way and NE 124th Street Pedestrian Safety project will extend the medians on Central Way at Lake Street and 1st Street, adds a missing section of dedicated bike lanes on Central Way, installs a new center median where Market Street enters Marina Park, and has some sidewalk design repairs to increase pedestrian visibility and safety.  

Median being updated on Central between 1st st and Market st.JPG

Market Street at 16th Avenue West

Median being updated on Market at 16th ave west.JPG

Market Street at 18th Avenue past 18th Avenue West

Median being updated on Market at 18th ave past 18th ave west - 2 medians.JPG

Market Street between 20th Avenue West and 20th Avenue

Medians being updated on Market at 20th ave past 20th ave west- 2 medians.JPG

Project vicinity map

Vicinity and Area Map for the landscape median project

How many center medians are there in Kirkland?

Citywide, there is an estimated amount of 165,000 square feet of center medians along the City’s streets, 113,000 square feet of landscaped area.


What does traffic control look like during construction?

For most medians on Market Street, parking will be restricted near the medians and the travel lanes will shift around the center medians. There are two travel lanes in each direction on Central Way, so drivers will be shifted into a single lane. At Market Street and Central Way intersection, the geometry is complex and requires flaggers to safely control traffic, likely alternating travel direction through that location. Work hours for all these traffic impacts are no earlier than 9 a.m. and be out of the roadway by 3 p.m., barring unexpected conditions or emergencies.

There is a private development project that scheduled a northbound closure of a section of Market Street in February, which is unrelated to this project.

Previous weekly updates

(Mar. 14, 2025) -- The concrete is poured, and final tasks of sealing the concrete and adding mulch for the trees remain for this project.

(Mar. 6, 2025) -- Concrete is expected to be poured beginning Friday, March 7. The contractor expects to begin at the north end of Market Street and work south, then move to the east side of Central Way and work west.

(Feb. 27, 2025)  --Our contractor is scheduling the concrete and crews for the decorative concrete, possibly next week. The median at Peter Kirk Park shows all tree wells within the median. Tree planting will follow shortly after this project completes.

(1/30/24) -- Construction is planned to begin on Monday, Feb. 3 on the landscape medians.  There will be traffic control around the center island medians, and reduced parking when the median is being updated.  This project is expected to be complete much quicker than the allowed 45 working days, likely in March.  Extreme weather, such as snow, will delay the project.

(11/7/24)  -- Kirkland's contractor expects to begin construction on this project in early 2025.

(10/2/24) --Project award of this construction project is scheduled for the City Council action in October. Construction expected to begin in early 2025.







Medians, Central Way and Market Street, Kirkland 98033  View Map

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