Kirkland multifamily residents who want to compost there is a community food scrap drop-off program, at two locations. Any apartment or condo resident who does not have access to a compost cart at their complex can bring food scraps to our drop-off locations in downtown Kirkland or Juanita.
There are now two locations for residents to drop off food scraps for composting: City Hall and North Kirkland Community Center.
Gray compost carts are located in the loading bay on the south side of the building.
Gray compost cart is located in the rear parking lot, next to the cooking oil collection tank.
We know that many Kirkland residents would like to compost their food scraps, but their apartment or condo complex might not be interested in or qualify for our on-site compost program. We are providing this community food scrap drop-off program, inspired by a program in New York, to provide better access to composting for our multifamily residents. If you participate in the program, we would love to get your feedback! Email us at
Learn more about how composting works
Food scrap collection service is free to approved apartments and condos.
Request food scrap compost at your apartment
King County Lake Swimming Beach Data Program