Multi-family Waste Reduction Toolkit for Property Managers

Property managers have an important role in helping their residents reduce waste and recycle more. They can help educate residents about recycling standards and make recycling more accessible and convenient at their properties. This page provides guidance for property staff to set up or improve current recycling programs.

Are you an apartment or condo resident looking for information on what's recyclable?

Troubleshooting Common Challenges

Your recycling containers are overflowing regularly

Before and after trash enclosure, showing a transition from overflowing recycle carts to a full dumpster Consider increasing your recycling service level — extra recycling is included with your waste service. You can call Waste Management directly to increase your service at 425-587-0040.

Recycling more and reducing your trash container size can save money, because recycling is included with your garbage service in Kirkland.

People are putting trash in the recycle

Hang signage and educate residents

We can provide free educational signage to hang at enclosures and email content to send to your residents. We can also provide hard copies of our annual recycling guide for residents.

Request signage and residential resources using our form at the bottom of this page.  

Are garbage and recycling containers located side by side or in the same enclosure?

When recycling bins are located next to garbage bins, residents are more likely to correctly recycle. Work with Waste Management to make these changes at your property.

The City of Kirkland has pre-approved plans for enclosure design. Properties are encouraged to contact WM or the City of Kirkland for assistance with placement of bins and enclosure construction.

People are leaving bulky items by the dumpster

We can provide free signage about illegal dumping and enclosure rules.

You can also distribute this bulky item disposal flyer(PDF, 208KB) to residents:

Free Resources Available

Resident Recycling Resources

Recycling Guides

We recommend distributing recycling guidelines at least annually to residents. The City of Kirkland and WM mail all multifamily residents a recycling guide in December each year, so residents who move in during the rest of the year will need information to recycle right.

We can provide hard copies of our recycling guide booklet in English, or you can download recycling guidelines in: 

English (9-page booklet) - available in hard copy Multifamily Service Guide Booklet
Chinese / 繁體中文  (3 page pdf)
Spanish / español (3 page pdf)
Russian / Русский (3 page pdf)
Korean / 한국어 (3 page pdf)
Amharic / አማርኛ (3 page pdf)
Somali / Af Soomaali (3 page pdf)
Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt (3 page pdf)
Hindi / हिंदी (3 page pdf)

Move-In Recycling Kit 

Each property has different residents and challenges. It is helpful to start every resident with a recycling kit. The City can provide a free kit for your new residents that includes: 

Trash Area Signage

We have signage available in durable plastic and laminated poster formats.

Reduce contamination with accepted material posters

Clear labeling of recycling and garbage bins will help residents understand how to properly recycle. If signs have faded or you want to add additional signage, you can download signage or request durable printed signs to help educate residents. We can also have Waste Management update dated or faded stickers on dumpsters and carts.

Poster:Recycling(PDF, 2MB)   

Poster: Garbage(PDF, 3MB)  

Poster: Food Scraps(PDF, 2MB)

Address common problems with enclosure rule signs

Keep our Complex Clean(PDF, 50KB)  
Flatten cardboard(PDF, 236KB)   
No furniture(PDF, 236KB)  
Residents Only(PDF, 236KB)  


Request Resources or Staff Assistance

Please use the form below to request free supplies for your residents and assistance from Solid Waste staff.