Fix Vehicle Leaks Each year, our vehicles leak more than 7 million quarts of oil and fluids into lakes, rivers, streams and the Puget Sound.
Scoop Pet Waste Scoop, bag, and trash pet waste to keep our pets and kids healthy and keep our water clean.
Dispose of Paint Properly Always wash paint supplies in a sink, never outside. Paint and wash water is toxic to fish.
Wash Right Car wash soap and wash water pollute our creeks and lakes. Use commercial car washes or wash on a landscaped area to let water soak into the ground.
Natural Yard Care Find information on native landscaping, eco-friendly pest management, rain gardens and cisterns.
Business Pollution Prevention The City works with businesses to prevent pollution to our creeks, wetlands, and lakes.
Don't Wait to Inflate Scientists have discovered a chemical in tire dust that is toxic to coho salmon and other aquatic life. This dust rubs off our tires when we drive, then gets washed to our creeks when it rains. One of the easiest things we can to do help is to check our car tires monthly and add air if needed.