What the City Does for Clean Water

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Kirkland Public Works' Storm & Surface Water Division works to: 

Our Goals: Reduce flooding in our streets and neighborhoods; build and maintain drainage infrastructure; improve water quality in our creeks, wetlands, and lakes; improve aquatic habitat; educate and engage our community.

SW Utility Annual Progress Report Cover(PDF, 3MB)  2023 Surface Water Utility Annual Progress Report

We're proud to report a productive year for Kirkland's Surface Water Utility. 

Our annual progress report(PDF, 3MB) is organized by outcomes related to our utility goals above and includes a status update on the 2023 Surface Water Strategic Plan, which lays out actions the utility would like to take in the next seven years. 




City Stormwater Maintenance

Kirkland’s Storm & Surface Water Division ensures the proper maintenance and operation of all public and private drainage systems within the city. These drainage systems are constantly evolving as new development and redevelopment occurs. Kirkland's Storm & Surface Water Division is responsible for:

  • 427 miles of pipes and culverts 
  • 15,615 catch basins or storm drains
  • 1,102 detention tanks and vaults
  • 36 miles of stream, 3 large lakes, and over 400 acres of wetland.

Learn more about how the City protects and maintains our stormwater infrastructure:

Have you seen this truck in your neighborhood?


Protecting Stormwater Infrastructure

Private Stormwater Maintenance

The City works with property owners to ensure routine inspection and maintenance of all private stormwater systems. Proper maintenance ensures the system continues to function as designed. It also helps keep our creeks and lakes clean, and helps prevent flooding and erosion.

Visit the Private Stormwater Maintenance Program to learn more about the inspection process for your property. 

Private Stormwater Inspection

Business Pollution Prevention Assistance

With support from the Department of Ecology, the City works with businesses to prevent pollution to our creeks, wetlands, and lakes. City code (KMC 15.52.090-110) requires businesses to put in place best management practices (BMPs) to prevent pollution. The King County Pollution Prevention Manual describes these BMPs. 

Learn how you can prevent pollution at your business

Request a free spill kit or site visit for your business

Business Inspection Process

During a site visit the inspector will do the following:

  • Talk with the site manager or owner to gather information about the activities on site. 
  • Walk the site with the site manager to discuss which BMPs are already in place, and which are still needed.
  • Provide onsite technical help to put in place necessary BMPs
  • Provide information about corrective actions and follow up with a corrective action letter
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Current and Recent City Projects

Learn about current and recent City projects to improve the health of our creeks, lakes, and wetlands, reduce flooding, and ensure the proper operation of stormwater systems in Kirkland.

CKC Rain Garden Volunteer Planting