Surface Water Master Plan Update

A salmon, a heron, and a creek.

The 2023 Surface Water Master Plan was adopted by Kirkland City Council on April 4, 2023. 

Explore the Surface Water Master Plan Project Hub

Read the Full Plan(PDF, 12MB)

We always welcome comments about the work, priorities, and goals of the Storm & Surface Water Division. You can email comments to or leave a voicemail with your comments at 425-587-3820.

What Happens Next?

Storm & Surface Water Division staff will work to implement the Surface Water Master Plan over the next five to ten years. Our goal is to provide annual progress reports on key performance measures within the Master Plan. 

SW Utility Annual Progress Report Cover

2023 Surface Water Utility Annual Progress Report

We're proud to report a productive year for Kirkland's Surface Water Utility. 

Our annual progress report(PDF, 3MB) is organized by outcomes related to our utility goals above and includes a status update on the 2023 Surface Water Strategic Plan, which lays out actions the utility would like to take in the next seven years. 



What is Kirkland's Storm & Surface Water Division?

Kirkland Public Works' Storm & Surface Water Division works to:

Reduce flooding in our streets and neighborhoods

Improve the water quality in our creeks, lakes, and wetlands

Ensure the proper operation of all public and private stormwater systems in Kirkland

Improve in-stream habitat conditions for fish and wildlife

…for our community and future generations.

You can see us in the community as we fix drainage problems, prevent water pollution, and maintain the stormwater drainage system. These services are funded by a utility charge paid by property owners in Kirkland.

What is Kirkland's Surface Water Master Plan?

The Surface Water Master Plan is a five to ten-year strategic plan for managing storm and surface water in Kirkland. It outlines the priorities and needs of surface water related programs and projects to ensure:

  • Effective natural resource and infrastructure management
  • Compliance with local, state, and federal regulations
  • Coordination with internal and external partners responsible for storm and surface water management.

City code (KMC 15.52.030) requires that a Plan be developed by the City and adopted by the Kirkland City Council.

Why is the Surface Water Master Plan being updated?

The last Surface Water Master Plan(PDF, 33MB) was last updated in 2014. The City has since implemented many of the programs and projects in that Plan.

We updated the plan to:

  • Confirm Division goals and policies
  • Assess current challenges and opportunities
  • Evaluate the impact of local, state, and federal regulatory programs on the Storm and Surface Water program
  • Update the inventory and condition of stormwater infrastructure and identify infrastructure needs
  • Outline recommended programs and projects
  • Evaluate rates and revenue necessary to support the projects and programs of the Division.


Funding for this plan provided by King County Flood Control District and King County through the Subregional Opportunity Fund Grant.