The 6th Street Corridor is an important north-south transportation corridor for Kirkland. This study resulted in a list of recommended corridor improvements that will move people efficiently; connect community and neighborhood destinations, safely; and help reduce congestion. The 6th Street Corridor Study Report(PDF, 18MB) includes the following:
A. Data Collection and Methods Memo - This memorandum was used to communicate and start assembling list of data for the 6th Street Corridor Study to create a broad understanding of the transportation Context. The memo also outlined the draft methodology for analysis of the corridor.
B. LOS Definitions and Worksheet - Provides a description of signalized intersections and unsignalized intersection levels of service (LOS).
C. Survey Summary - Summarizes the results of the online survey conducted as part of the project for the Houghton/Everest Neighborhood Center and 6th Street Corridor Study.
D. Solutions Memo - This memorandum summarizes the evaluation of potential solutions developed to meet the NE 6th Street/108th Avenue NE corridor transportation needs.
E. HENC Analysis Results Memo - This memorandum summarizes the baseline scenario of development and potential investments against comparative growth scenarios in vehicle trips resulting from proposed land use options in the Houghton/Everest Neighborhood Center (HENC).
F. Project Pages - This appendix provides more detailed project information for particular Recommended Corridor Improvements identified in Table 2 of the report.
Doug McIntyreTransportation Manager 425-587-3865
King County Lake Swimming Beach Data Program