Use Water Wisely


Lawn sprinkler watering green grass

Although Kirkland is surrounded by the waters of Lake Washington, it's not where we get our drinking water. Kirkland's water comes from two reservoirs at the base of the Cascade mountains. The water in these reservoirs relies on deep winter snowpack to sustain our long, dry summers. 

Using water wisely helps stretch our water supply for now and for future generations. 

In Your Garden

During the summer months, outdoor watering of our lawns and gardens accounts for most of our region's water use. Follow these water saving tips to save money on your water bill and keep your yard thriving. 

In Your Garden

  • Check your irrigation system or sprinklers for leaks at the the start of summer. 
  • Use the weather forecast to help you water less. A thriving garden needs only one-inch of water per week. You can water less during weeks we get rainfall. Get a free rain gauge for your garden. 
  • Water in the mornings or evenings. Avoid water in the heat of the day to reduce how much water is lost to evaporation. 
  • Let your lawn go dormant during late summer and droughts. A brown lawn isn't dead, it's just dormant. Letting your lawn go dormant saves you money and helps stretch our water supply.

Around the House

  • Sweep before pressure washing. Sweep up as much dirt and debris as possible before pressure washing to help save water. Keep our creeks and lakes clean by using only cold water and no soap or chemicals when you wash. 
  • Wash your car at a commercial car wash. Commercial car washes use less water and recycle much of their wash water, plus they are better for our creeks and lakes. Learn how to Wash Right

In Your Home

Saving water at home is easy to do with a few simple tips:

  • Turn off the tap when shaving or brushing your teeth. 
  • Fix leaks in sinks and toilets. Get free toilet leak detection tablets.
  • Use low-flow showerheads and try to limit showers to five minutes or less. Get a free shower timer or low-flow shower head online here.
  • Run full loads of laundry and dishes to reduce water and energy use and save money on your bills. 

Free Water Saving Items & Rebates

Kirkland partners with Cascade Water Alliance to provide free water-saving tools and rebates for our customers. Cascade Water Alliance offers resources like: 

  • Rebates on clothes washers and other appliances.
  • Free conservation items like water-wise showerheads, faucet aerators, toilet leak detectors, and rain gauges. 
  • Irrigation system assessments for commercial, multi-family, and institutional properties.
  • Cascade Gardener natural yard care classes. 

Learn More About Rebates and Water-Saving Items

Learn more about where Kirkland's water comes from.