Healthy Community

people watching a volleyball game from benches at a waterfront park

Why is a healthy community important for sustainability?

The City recognizes that each community member needs to have a sense of belonging, support in their community, and access to opportunities that fulfill the basic needs of life. Being inclusive means demonstrating a recognition that our community is enriched by people from a diversity of racial and ethnic groups and faith traditions and from all socioeconomic levels.

How was Kirkland doing before adopting the Sustainability Strategic Plan?

  • Juanita Farmers Market with lots of people walking through

    The City addresses basic human services needs through regional facilitation and a grant program supporting local nonprofits.
  • The City has issued a Proclamation of Kirkland being a safe, inclusive, and welcoming place for all people and a supporting Ordinance prohibiting City staff from inquiring about immigration status unless required by law, and signed on as a member city to the Welcoming America Network and Cities for Citizenship.

What key healthy community goals are included in the Sustainability Strategic Plan?

Key healthy community goals include:

How can the community help meet these goals?

  • Yard Smart Cisterns Participate in racial equity workshops and community initiatives
  • Use less water by growing drought tolerant plants and follow best watering practices
  • Harvest rainwater for use in your garden
  • Add an Accessory Dwelling Unit on your property to provide more housing options
  • Volunteer for local organizations working for environmental justice and a healthy community
  • Advocate for code updates and policy changes that make progress towards identified goals with the Planning Commission, Human Services Commission, and City Council