Washington Clean Buildings Program

A technician checks HVAC equipment.

What Is the WA Clean Buildings Standard?

In May 2019, the Washington Clean Buildings Act was signed into law. The law required the Washington State Department of Commerce to develop and implement an energy performance standard for commercial buildings greater than 50,000 square feet and provide incentives to encourage energy efficiency improvements. In March 2022, Governor Inslee signed the Clean Buildings expansion bill into law, which extends the requirements of the standard to buildings 20,000 square feet or larger. 

In adopting this standard, the Washington State Department of Commerce seeks to maximize reductions of greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. Learn more about the standard, compliance dates, and state incentives by visiting the WA State Department of Commerce’s website.

Who Must Comply?

Under the Clean Buildings Standard, all covered commercial buildings, which are defined as non-residential, hotel, motel, and dormitory buildings greater than 50,000 gross square feet (excluding parking garage area) must comply with the standard and report their compliance. Building owners with structures over 50,000 square feet were notified via hard-copy letters sent by Commerce in October of 2021. 

Covered commercial buildings between 20,000 and 50,000 will additionally be required to comply under the Clean Buildings Expansion Law. Commerce will complete rulemaking for this group by Dec. 1, 2023. 

Some buildings may be eligible for exemption from the Clean Buildings Standard, learn more about compliance through exemption.

What Is Required for Compliance? 

Compliance with the standard can require energy efficiency upgrades and capital investments. Plan ahead and understand the actions, programs, and supporting roles needed for compliance. Major provisions of the standard include: 

  • Designation of an individual as Energy Manager for each building >50,000 ft2 
  • Adoption of an Energy Management Plan for each covered commercial building 
  • Implementation of an Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Program in each covered commercial building 
  • Each building must meet an energy performance standard or Energy Use Intensity (EUI) Target based on building type and end uses. 
  • Buildings that cannot calculate an EUI Target or are above their EUIt must follow the Investment Criteria process outlined in the law to identify and implement cost-effective energy efficiency measures.

Paths of compliance may differ depending on the building. For more detailed information, refer to Commerce’s information on How to Comply.

What Is the Timeline for Compliance? 

Compliance dates for buildings above 50,000 square feet are as follows: 

June 1, 2026
More than 220,000 sq. ft. 

June 1, 2027
More than 90,000 sq. ft. but less than 220,001 sq. ft.

June 1, 2028
More than 50,000 sq. ft. but less than 90,001 sq. ft.

Need Help Complying?

PSE offers a no-cost accelerator program to help commercial building owners understand and structure their compliance with the Clean Buildings law. PSE’s Accelerator Program features:  

  • Guidance for Clean Buildings Law compliance 
  • Assistance in setting up processes and tools like Energy Star Portfolio Manager and PSE’s EnergyCAP
  • Tailored coaching, scanning and prioritizing of energy-saving opportunities based on site specifics and organizational interests 


Utilizing a cohort-based structure, the program begins with a 4-month sprint to fast-track building owners towards compliance, followed with quarterly support workshops for program graduates to address evolving needs. 

Compliance with the WA Clean Buildings Standard takes time. Get started today to ensure compliance and maximize the benefits of increased energy efficiency. 

Learn more and register for the program on PSE’s Clean Buildings Accelerator page.