Sustainable Governance

community members, City staff, and Council members including Penny Sweet and Kelli Curtisat the Sustainability Summit at City Hall for All

Why is having sustainable governance important for sustainability?

The City seeks to provide effective, efficient, and responsive governance and a sustainable level of core services for our community. Trust in governance underpins the City’s ability to support the community. Engaging all members of the community — especially those who have traditionally not been represented in public processes — ensures that the voices of all can be heard and incorporated into decision-making, and creates more equitable solutions.

community members discuss affordable housing at a Housing Strategy workshop in 2017How was Kirkland doing before adopting the Sustainability Strategic Plan?

The City has successfully employed various techniques of public participation, ranging from town halls, community meetings, discussion forums, and online surveys. Need remains to engage more underrepresented members of the community, and serve residents who speak languages besides English.

What key sustainable governance goals are included in the Sustainability Strategic Plan?

installing pipe in a trench in the road

Key sustainable governance goals include:

How can the community help meet these goals?