City of Kirkland Seeks Operators for Kirkland Teen Union Building

Published on August 05, 2022

front foyer of a teen center

Media Contact: 
David Wolbrecht
Communications Program Manager
(425) 587-3021

The City of Kirkland is now accepting proposals for operators for the Kirkland Teen Union Building (KTUB). Proposals will be accepted until Friday, September 30, 2022, at 5 p.m.

The City desires to operate the KTUB building as a model teen center, offering comprehensive youth programming for youth in sixth to twelfth grade with expanded service levels.  Goals of the teen center include providing a safe place for teens and facilitating positive social interactions. Types of programs and services offered at the teen center may include recreation and physical activity, art, music, life skills, job and academic support, behavioral health services, drug and violence prevention, and connection to other support services available in the community.

Interested groups and organizations are invited to tour the Kirkland Teen Union Building on Friday, August 12, 2022, at 8 a.m. or Wednesday, August 24, 2022, at 4:30 p.m.  Both tours will be the same format.  Questions related to this request for proposals asked during the tours will be documented and published on the City’s website.

City Council will evaluate the finalist’s proposal alongside the City’s proposal to operate KTUB. 

For more information about this KTUB request for proposals, visit the City’s website for doing business with the City.

For more information about KTUB, visit the City’s KTUB webpage