Library Board and Tourism Development Committee Accepting Applications
Published on September 21, 2021
Media Contact:
Joy Johnston
Interim Communications Program Manager
(425) 979-6562
KIRKLAND, Wash. – For anyone who has wanted to have a voice in important decisions that affect Kirkland and work with others to make a positive difference in the community, the City of Kirkland strongly encourages applying for current vacancies on city advisory boards. Currently, there are three opportunities to fill these roles.
One opportunity is for a youth-specific seat (applicants must attain the grade level of sophomore by the September of the year of appointment) on the Library Board. There are also two open seats on the Tourism Development Committee: one seat specific to an organization that collects lodging tax revenue, and the other is for a representative of a business or organization that is involved in activities authorized to be funded by tax revenue.
“Serving on a board or commission can be a fascinating and rewarding experience,” said Kirkland Mayor Penny Sweet. “Diverse voices are needed and valued to advise the City Council on significant topics for the community. It’s a way to have a direct impact on important decisions, contribute meaningfully to our community, and help shape Kirkland’s future.”
Interested community members meeting the eligibility requirements are invited to apply by submitting an application to the City Clerk at their first opportunity. Visit the Current Recruitment Positions page to apply, or call the City Clerk’s Office at 425-587-3190 to learn more about these opportunities. Members of advisory boards are appointed by the City Council. Virtual interviews will be held at a time and date to be determined as applications are received.
Both the Library Board and the Tourism Development Committee meet monthly. Visit to learn more about all of City of Kirkland’s boards and commissions.
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