Published on July 08, 2022
On Monday, July 11, 2022 at 6 p.m., the Kirkland City Council will hold a public hearing on the development agreement being considered for Google's potential development of the Lee Johnson site. This is the community’s opportunity to provide testimony related to the development agreement to Council for their consideration. The meeting will be hybrid, and members of the public may provide testimony in-person or by logging in to the Zoom meeting. More information about how to attend the meeting, how to provide public comment at the meeting, and meeting materials will be available on the Council webpage prior to the meeting.
Also on Monday, July 11, representatives from Google will be holding an Open House from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. to provide more information about their proposal to the community prior to the public hearing. The Open House will be held in the north lobby of Kirkland City Hall.
Council received a presentation from Google about their proposal for the site at a special study session on July 6, 2022. A video recording of the meeting, including Google’s presentation, is available here.
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