Comment on the Stormwater Management Program Plan by Feb. 24
Published on January 22, 2021
Media Contact:
Joy Johnston
Interim Communications Program Manager
Draft Plan Outlines City’s Actions to Comply with State Permit
KIRKLAND, Wash. – Kirkland residents and businesses are encouraged to review the draft 2021 Stormwater Management Program Plan and submit comments or suggestions by February 24, 2021. The draft 2021 Stormwater Management Program Plan describes actions that the City of Kirkland takes to reduce stormwater pollution. Examples of these actions are public education around natural yard care and vehicle maintenance, tracing and halting spills or dumping of pollutants to the municipal stormwater system, reviewing development plans to control stormwater pollution at construction sites, and maintaining the City’s network of stormwater pipes, ditches, and ponds.
Stormwater pollution is a leading cause of pollution reaching Kirkland creeks, lakes and wetlands. This pollution comes from everyday activities such as driving, yard care, pet waste management, car washing, and land development. Preventing stormwater pollution involves reducing the amount of pollution that we put onto the landscape (source control) and removing contaminants from runoff before it reaches local waters (treatment).
Kirkland operates under a state-issued permit that allows the City to discharge stormwater from its public drainage system into rivers, lakes, and streams as long as the City implements programs and works with its residents and businesses to reduce pollutants in stormwater. The City’s draft 2021 Stormwater Management Program Plan describes actions that the City will take in 2021 and beyond to maintain compliance with the permit and protect our lakes and streams.
The draft 2021 Stormwater Management Program Plan is available online at Comments can be provided via email to Surface Water Planner Rachel Konrady at
For more information about the City’s Storm and Surface Water Management Programs, visit To learn more about the State Department of Ecology stormwater permit, search “Phase II Western WA Stormwater Permit” at
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