Published on April 28, 2022
Springtime means more kids walking to school. Kirkland Police Officers and Firefighter/EMTs stopped by Helen Keller Elementary last week to greet students and families as they arrived and encouraged them to walk safely to school. It was a chance for kids to meet officers and firefighters, try on helmets, and climb through the open doors of a patrol car or firetruck.
More schools will hold their Walk to School events throughout the spring.
Walk to School events support the City’s Safer Routes to School Action Plans, which recommend 134 infrastructure improvements including adding sidewalks, installing crosswalk lights or enhancing crossings around the City to make walking safer for students in all Kirkland neighborhoods.
The Safer Routes to School Action Plans are part of the City’s Work Program and address the City Council goals of Community Safety, Balanced Transportation and Vibrant Neighborhoods.
More information: the City’s Safer Routes to School Action Plans and the City's 2021-2022 Work Program.
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